Alberta Human Footprint Monitoring Program (AHFMP) - Footprint Sublayers - Circa 2014 & 2016
Abstract: The Alberta Human Footprint Monitoring Program (AHFMP) is collaboration between the following organizations:
Alberta Environment and Parks (AEP)
The Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute (ABMI)
Alberta Agriculture and Forestry (AAF)
Alberta Energy Regulator (AER)
Alberta Energy (AE)
Various non-government organizations.
The goal of the AHFMP is to improve the accuracy of the human footprint data and to focus expertise from the various organizations on a single footprint product. Currently AEP and ABMI co-lead the program.
The AHFMP stratifies footprint features into footprint sublayers based on logical groupings. Roads, oil and gas well pads, rail lines, gravel pits, agriculture fields are examples of sub layers. Where possible, the AHFMP will obtain features for these sub layers directly from authoritative sources. In some of these cases the data authority are responsible for the distribution of the sub-layer.
Only when the features are not available from an authoritative source will the AHFMP create their own data. When this occurs, the AHFMP will work with subject matter experts (SMEs) from various organizations to ensure the features are digitized and attributed correctly.
AEP has completed the following sub-layers in collaboration with ABMI and Alberta Energy. These are available for public use:
Oil and Gas Well Pads (conventional and in situ) for 2014 and 2016
Road verges, surfaces and centre lines for 2014 only.
Pipeline verges and centre lines for 2016.
Other sub-layers will be added as they are completed. ABMI is also working on numerous sub layers that are available on their website.
Download Information:
For any issues encountered with downloading this product from the FTP site, please contact the Distributor Contact via the Email address or telephone number.
Use Constraint: Your use of the information will be governed by the terms of the Open Government Licence - Alberta in force as of the date you accessed the information.
Identification Information:
Citation Information:
Originator: Alberta Environment and Parks, Government of Alberta
Publication Date: 20161202
Title: Alberta Human Footprint Monitoring Program (AHFMP) - Footprint Sublayers - Circa 2014 & 2016
Geospatial Data Presentation Form: vector digital data
Publication Information:
Publication Place: Edmonton, Alberta
Publisher: Alberta Environment and Parks
Online Linkage:
Abstract: The Alberta Human Footprint Monitoring Program (AHFMP) is collaboration between the following organizations:
Alberta Environment and Parks (AEP)
The Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute (ABMI)
Alberta Agriculture and Forestry (AAF)
Alberta Energy Regulator (AER)
Alberta Energy (AE)
Various non-government organizations.
The goal of the AHFMP is to improve the accuracy of the human footprint data and to focus expertise from the various organizations on a single footprint product. Currently AEP and ABMI co-lead the program.
The AHFMP stratifies footprint features into footprint sublayers based on logical groupings. Roads, oil and gas well pads, rail lines, gravel pits, agriculture fields are examples of sub layers. Where possible, the AHFMP will obtain features for these sub layers directly from authoritative sources. In some of these cases the data authority are responsible for the distribution of the sub-layer.
Only when the features are not available from an authoritative source will the AHFMP create their own data. When this occurs, the AHFMP will work with subject matter experts (SMEs) from various organizations to ensure the features are digitized and attributed correctly.
AEP has completed the following sub-layers in collaboration with ABMI and Alberta Energy. These are available for public use:
Oil and Gas Well Pads (conventional and in situ) for 2014 and 2016
Road verges, surfaces and centre lines for 2014 only.
Pipeline verges and centre lines for 2016.
Other sub-layers will be added as they are completed. ABMI is also working on numerous sub layers that are available on their website.
Purpose: The purpose of the footprint AHFMP sub-layers are to provide organizations a value-neutral and well documented footprint features that reflect the original direct mechanical disturbance of various human activities. It is at the user's discretion to decide how they will interpret the impact (if any) of the footprint feature and how they will integrate the overlapping footprint sub layers.
The interpretation of the functional footprint (impact of the footprint) and any indirect effect of footprint features are out of scope for the AHFMP.
Supplemental Information: User's guides and procedure documents have been created for all the footprint sublayers created by Alberta Environment and Parks. These are distributed with the data. Staff within Alberta Environment and Parks and Alberta Agriculture and Forestry and can access the documents through the AHFMP SharePoint Site at:
Time Period of Content:
Time Period Information:
Single Date/Time:
Calendar Date: 20190429
Currentness Reference: publication date
Progress: Complete
Maintenance and Update Frequency: Irregular
Spatial Domain:
Bounding Coordinates:
West Bounding Coordinate:
East Bounding Coordinate:
North Bounding Coordinate:
South Bounding Coordinate:
Theme Keyword Thesaurus: None
Theme Keyword: Footprint
Theme Keyword: Human Footprint
Theme Keyword: Human Disturbance
Theme Keyword: Anthopogenic Footprint
Theme Keyword: Anthopogenic Disturbance
Theme Keyword: Well Pad
Theme Keyword: Well
Theme Keyword: Wellsite
Theme Keyword: Well Site
Theme Keyword: Heavy Oil
Theme Keyword: In Situ
Theme Keyword: Conventional Oil and Gas
Theme Keyword: Oilsands Observation Well
Theme Keyword: Road
Theme Keyword: Road Surface
Theme Keyword: Road Verge
Theme Keyword: Road Right of Way
Theme Keyword: AHFMP
Theme Keyword: Alberta Human Footprint Monitoring Program
Theme Keyword Thesaurus: ISO 19115 Topic Category
Theme Keyword: utilitiesCommunication
Place Keyword Thesaurus: none
Place Keyword: North America
Place Keyword: Canada
Place Keyword: Alberta
Access Constraints: To access the data you must agree to the terms of the Open Government Licence - Alberta
Use Constraints: Your use of the information will be governed by the terms of the Open Government Licence - Alberta in force as of the date you accessed the information.
Point of Contact:
Contact Information:
Contact Organization Primary:
Contact Organization: Alberta Environment and Parks, Government of Alberta
Contact Voice Telephone: 4033407117
Contact Voice Telephone: 7804278832
Contact Electronic Mail Address:
Contact Electronic Mail Address:
Hours: 08:15 to 16:30 Monday to Friday
Contact Position: Geographic Science Team, Policy Integration, Policy Division
Data Set Credit: Alberta Environment and Parks, Government of Alberta
Security Information:
Security Classification: Public
Security Classification System: Government of Alberta Data and Information Security Classification
Native Data Set Environment: Microsoft Windows Vista Version 6.1 (Build 7601) Service Pack 1; ESRI ArcCatalog
Data Quality Information:
Positional Accuracy:
Spatial Data Organization Information:
Direct Spatial Reference Method: Vector
Point and Vector Object Information:
SDTS Terms Description:
SDTS Point and Vector Object Type: G-polygon
Point and Vector Object Count: 1023
Spatial Reference Information:
Horizontal Coordinate System Definition:
Map Projection:
Map Projection Name: Transverse Mercator
Transverse Mercator:
Scale Factor at Central Meridian: 0.999200
Longitude of Central Meridian: -115.000000
Latitude of Projection Origin: 0.000000
False Easting: 500000.000000
False Northing: 0.000000
Planar Coordinate Information:
Planar Coordinate Encoding Method: coordinate pair
Coordinate Representation:
Abscissa Resolution: 0.000100
Ordinate Resolution: 0.000100
Planar Distance Units: meters
Geodetic Model:
Horizontal Datum Name: North American Datum of 1983
Ellipsoid Name: Geodetic Reference System 80
Semi-major Axis: 6378137.000000
Denominator of Flattening Ratio: 298.257222
Vertical Coordinate System Definition:
Altitude System Definition:
Altitude Resolution: 0.000100
Altitude Encoding Method: Explicit elevation coordinate included with horizontal coordinates
Distribution Information:
Resource Description: Downloadable Data
Contact Information:
Contact Organization Primary:
Contact Organization: Alberta Environment and Parks, Government of Alberta
Contact Position: Data Distribution Unit, Information and Data Provisioning Services, Informatics Branch, Corporate Services Division
Contact Voice Telephone: 7804277374
Contact Electronic Mail Address:
Hours: 08:15 to 16:30 Monday to Friday
Contact Instructions: For any issues encountered with downloading this product from the FTP site, please contact the Distributor Contact via the Email address or telephone number.
Standard Order Process:
Fees: This product is fee free under the Open Government Licence - Alberta.
Turnaround: Direct download
Digital Form:
Digital Transfer Information:
Format Name: ESRI File Geodatabase
Format Specification: ESRI File Geodatabase
File Decompression Technique: File compression technology shall be utilized when required.
Digital Transfer Option:
Online Option:
Access Instructions: For any issues encountered with downloading this product from the FTP site, please contact the Distributor Contact via the Email address or telephone number.
Digital Form:
Digital Transfer Information:
Format Name: ESRI Shapefile
Format Specification: ESRI Shapefile
File Decompression Technique: File compression technology shall be utilized when required.
Digital Transfer Option:
Online Option:
Access Instructions: For any issues encountered with downloading this product from the FTP site, please contact the Distributor Contact via the Email address or telephone number.
Distribution Liability: Under the terms of the Open Government Licence - Alberta, the Information is licensed as is, and the Information Provider excludes all representations, warranties, obligations, and liabilities, whether express or implied, to the maximum extent permitted by law. The Information Provider is not liable for any errors or omissions in the Information, and will not under any circumstances be liable for any direct, indirect, special, incidental, consequential, or other loss, injury or damage caused by its use or otherwise arising in connection with this licence or the Information, even if specifically advised of the possibility of such loss, injury or damage.
Technical Prerequisites: To utilize digital information, specialized graphics or GIS software (i.e. ArcInfo, ArcView, ArcGIS, or MicroStation) may be required.
Available Time Period:
Time Period Information:
Single Date/Time:
Calendar Date: Monday to Sunday
Time of Day: 24 hours
Metadata Reference Information:
Metadata Date: 20190325
Metadata Contact:
Contact Information:
Contact Organization Primary:
Contact Organization: Alberta Environment and Parks, Government of Alberta
Contact Electronic Mail Address:
Hours: 08:15 to 16:30
Contact Address:
Address: Provincial Building (New), Third Floor
Address Type: mailing address
Address: 4920 - 51 Street
City: Red Deer
State or Province: Alberta
Postal Code: T4N 6K8
Country: Canada
Metadata Standard Name: FGDC Content Standards for Digital Geospatial Metadata
Metadata Standard Version: FGDC-STD-001-1998
Metadata Time Convention: local time
Metadata Extensions:
Online Linkage:
Profile Name: ESRI Metadata Profile
ESRI Metadata
Modification Date: 20170111
Modification Time: 12065700
Published Document ID: {5DCC68A1-154A-47AC-AE05-E822B17BB364}