Physical Land Classification (PLC)

Abstract: This dataset is produced for the Government of Alberta and is available to the general public. Please consult the Distribution Information of this metadata for the appropriate contact to acquire this dataset. Physical Land Classification (PLC) is a mapping system that was designed to describe the landscape in terms of landform, soils, drainage and slope. It is a hierarchical system that captures physiographic information at the following levels: Region - 1:3 000 000 or smaller Section - 1:1 000 000 to 1:3 000 000 District - 1:500 000 to 1:1 000 000 Geomorphic System - 1:100 000 (can range from 1:50 000 to 1:250 000) Geomorphic Unit - 1:10 000 to 1:50 000 There are some variations in this hierarchy for individual study areas. The Land Classification Group (Resource Inventory Section), Alberta Energy and Natural Resources, adopted the initial Physical Land Classification methodology in 1977 to meet the needs of resource planning and management agencies. Many aspects of the methodology were developed from landform mapping schemes used by the System of Soil Classification for Canada (1976). The PLC system is essentially a geomorphic interpretation and classification system based on the principles of the inherent properties of the land and its forms. Physical Land Classification (PLC) maps have been created largely during the 1980s and 1990s as part of a program to acquire background information for Integrated Resource Plans along the eastern slopes and across northern Alberta. The data were generally mapped at the geomorphic unit level using the 1:50 000 scale National Topographic System maps as a base. The PLC hardcopy maps were scanned, georeferenced, rectified, cleaned, vectorized, merged and attributed to form GIS polygons. The polygons are attributed for parent geologic material, landform / surface expression, modifying process, slope, texture, soil taxonomy and soil drainage. This classification system was designed to enhance and replace the Canada Land Inventory (CLI) and Alberta Landform Inventory (ALI) Landform classification systems. There is more attribution associated with PLC mapping than with ALI / CLI Landform mapping. There is some overlap with the ALI / CLI Landform maps but much of the PLC mapping was conducted in areas not covered by ALI / CLI Landform maps. PLC mapping is considered to be more reliable than ALI / CLI Landform mapping as field checking was more extensive.
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For any issues encountered with downloading this product from the FTP site, please contact the Distributor Contact via the Email address or telephone number.

Use Constraint: Your use of the information will be governed by the terms of the Open Government Licence - Alberta in force as of the date you accessed the information.

Identification Information:
Citation Information:
Originator: Alberta Environment and Parks, Government of Alberta
Publication Date: 20180108
Title: Physical Land Classification (PLC)
Geospatial Data Presentation Form: vector digital data
Publication Information:
Publication Place: Edmonton, Alberta
Publisher: Alberta Environment and Parks, Government of Alberta
Online Linkage:
File or Table Name: Ecological.GDB.PLCs
Abstract: This dataset is produced for the Government of Alberta and is available to the general public. Please consult the Distribution Information of this metadata for the appropriate contact to acquire this dataset. Physical Land Classification (PLC) is a mapping system that was designed to describe the landscape in terms of landform, soils, drainage and slope. It is a hierarchical system that captures physiographic information at the following levels: Region - 1:3 000 000 or smaller Section - 1:1 000 000 to 1:3 000 000 District - 1:500 000 to 1:1 000 000 Geomorphic System - 1:100 000 (can range from 1:50 000 to 1:250 000) Geomorphic Unit - 1:10 000 to 1:50 000 There are some variations in this hierarchy for individual study areas. The Land Classification Group (Resource Inventory Section), Alberta Energy and Natural Resources, adopted the initial Physical Land Classification methodology in 1977 to meet the needs of resource planning and management agencies. Many aspects of the methodology were developed from landform mapping schemes used by the System of Soil Classification for Canada (1976). The PLC system is essentially a geomorphic interpretation and classification system based on the principles of the inherent properties of the land and its forms. Physical Land Classification (PLC) maps have been created largely during the 1980s and 1990s as part of a program to acquire background information for Integrated Resource Plans along the eastern slopes and across northern Alberta. The data were generally mapped at the geomorphic unit level using the 1:50 000 scale National Topographic System maps as a base. The PLC hardcopy maps were scanned, georeferenced, rectified, cleaned, vectorized, merged and attributed to form GIS polygons. The polygons are attributed for parent geologic material, landform / surface expression, modifying process, slope, texture, soil taxonomy and soil drainage. This classification system was designed to enhance and replace the Canada Land Inventory (CLI) and Alberta Landform Inventory (ALI) Landform classification systems. There is more attribution associated with PLC mapping than with ALI / CLI Landform mapping. There is some overlap with the ALI / CLI Landform maps but much of the PLC mapping was conducted in areas not covered by ALI / CLI Landform maps. PLC mapping is considered to be more reliable than ALI / CLI Landform mapping as field checking was more extensive.
Purpose: The objective of the PLC mapping program is to delineate relatively homogeneous land units, based on their physical characteristics, and to describe these units such that their suitability for various land uses could be assessed in a standardized manner using a documented methodology. PLC information is input into wildlife habitat suitability, terrain sensitivity, groundwater vulnerability, agricultural capability and forest capability assessments.
Supplemental Information: It should be noted that the PLC landform mapping projects are broad reconnaissance type inventories and are designed for planning rather than management. These maps will not provide the detailed information required for intensive management of individual parcels of land, nor for land use planning in small watersheds, local government units or other small areas. The attributes are not generally listed in detail but cross-references have been given as a source for the descriptions of values. Attributes that have not been described in a cross-reference are listed in detail within the metadata.
Language of Dataset: en
Time Period of Content:
Time Period Information:
Single Date/Time:
Calendar Date: various
Currentness Reference: ground condition
Progress: Complete
Maintenance and Update Frequency: None planned
Spatial Domain:
Bounding Coordinates:
West Bounding Coordinate: -118.003216
East Bounding Coordinate: -109.884957
North Bounding Coordinate: 54.850698
South Bounding Coordinate: 51.825589
Local Bounding Coordinates:
Left Bounding Coordinate: 307105.655100
Right Bounding Coordinate: 829013.960300
Bottom Bounding Coordinate: 5750136.509300
Top Bounding Coordinate: 6075745.170700
Theme Keyword Thesaurus: ISO 19115 Topic Category
Theme Keyword: geoscientificInformation
Theme Keyword Thesaurus: none
Theme Keyword: landform
Theme Keyword: peat
Theme Keyword: wetland
Theme Keyword: surficial geology
Theme Keyword: soils
Place Keyword Thesaurus: Alberta Geographic Names (GNS)
Place Keyword: Alberta
Access Constraints: To access the data you must agree to the terms of the Open Government Licence - Alberta.
Use Constraints: Your use of the information will be governed by the terms of the Open Government Licence - Alberta in force as of the date you accessed the information.
Point of Contact:
Contact Information:
Contact Organization Primary:
Contact Organization: Alberta Environment and Parks, Government of Alberta
Contact Address:
Address Type: mailing and physical address
Address: 14th floor, Oxbridge Place
Address: 9820 - 106 Street NW
City: Edmonton
State or Province: Alberta
Postal Code: T5K 2J6
Country: Canada
Hours: 08:15 to 16:30 Monday to Friday
Contact Position: Information and Data Provisioning Services, Informatics Branch, Corporate Services Division
Contact Voice Telephone: 7804225117
Contact Facsimile Telephone: 7804220712
Contact Electronic Mail Address:
Contact Instructions: This is the point of contact regarding the creation of, and characteristics of, the data set. Queries about the creation and/or characteristics of the data set submitted through facsimile or electronic mail must include the salutation "Attention: Informatics Branch, Corporate Services Division; Dataset: Physical Land Classifications (PLCs)". For Distribution Information contact instructions, refer to the Distribution Information section of this metadata record. For Metadata Information contact instructions, refer to the Metadata Reference Information section of this metadata record.
Data Set Credit: Alberta Environment and Parks, Government of Alberta
Security Information:
Security Classification System: Government of Alberta Data and Information Security Classification
Security Classification: Public
Native Data Set Environment: Microsoft Windows XP Version 5.1 (Build 2600) Service Pack 3; ESRI ArcCatalog
Cross Reference:
Citation Information:
Originator: Alberta Environment and Parks, Government of Alberta
Publication Date: 2007
Title: Alberta Land Inventory (ALI) and Canada Land Inventory (CLI) Landform .tif Image to ArcInfo Coverage Specifications and Conversion Manual
Other Citation Details: RIB #1091
Publication Information:
Publication Place: Edmonton, Alberta
Publisher: Alberta Environment and Parks, Government of Alberta
Cross Reference:
Citation Information:
Originator: Alberta Environment and Parks, Government of Alberta
Publication Date: 1990
Title: Physical Land Classification Methodology
Other Citation Details: RIB# 304
Publication Information:
Publication Place: Edmonton, Alberta
Publisher: Alberta Environment and Parks, Government of Alberta
Cross Reference:
Citation Information:
Originator: Alberta Environment and Parks, Government of Alberta
Publication Date: 1978
Title: Physical Land Classification Manual Methodology Guidelines
Other Citation Details: RIB# 246
Publication Information:
Publication Place: Edmonton, Alberta
Publisher: Alberta Environment and Parks, Government of Alberta
Cross Reference:
Citation Information:
Publication Date: 1986
Title: Physiographic Subdivisions of Alberta
Other Citation Details: Map only, scale of 1:1 500 000
Publication Information:
Publication Place: Ottawa, Ontario
Publisher: Research Branch, Agriculture Canada, Government of Canada
Originator: W.W. Pettapiece
Geospatial Data Presentation Form: map
Cross Reference:
Citation Information:
Title: The Canadian System of Soil Classification 3rd Edition
Publication Date: 1987
Originator: Agriculture Canada, Government of Canada
Publication Information:
Publication Place: Ottawa, Ontario
Publisher: Research Branch, Agriculture Canada, Government of Canada
Cross Reference:
Citation Information:
Originator: Resource Data Branch
Publication Date: 2003
Title: Ecological Land Survey Site Description Manual 2nd Edition
Publication Information:
Publication Place: Edmonton, Alberta
Publisher: Alberta Environment and Parks, Government of Alberta
Other Citation Details: RIB# 861
Cross Reference:
Citation Information:
Title: Physical Land Classification (PLC) Conversion Modifications
Originator: Informatics Branch, Alberta Environment and Parks, Government of Alberta
Publication Date: 2011
Publication Information:
Publication Place: Edmonton, Alberta
Publisher: Alberta Environment and Parks, Government of Alberta
Other Citation Details: RIB# 1103
Native Dataset Format: SDE Feature Class
Data Quality Information:
Attribute Value Accuracy Information:
Attribute Accuracy Report: The attribute accuracy is unknown. Some ground truthing was performed at the time of data collection but the results were never compiled into a formal accuracy assessment. There are a number of fields that were captured at the time of digital conversion to identify problems in the datasets. Problems with the PLC code, missing polygon labels and double labels are all identified. Polygons are also flagged where there appears to be an illegal or incomplete code on the original hardcopy map. An .AML program was used to check the attributes for logical inconsistencies. Inconsistencies and omissions were corrected based on available information contained in: the original PLC maps, digital orthophotos, DEM derived slope maps and Ecological Land Classification maps of similar scale. Resolved issues include: - Illegal codes were found on the hardcopy PLC maps. The published hardcopy PLC maps also had many missing textures, especially for underlay parent materials. Data mismatches included: i) Texture and parent material mismatches; ii) Slope and surface form mismatches; iii) Soil taxonomy and soil drainage mismatches; and iv) Soil taxonomy and parent material (mineral versus organic) mismatches. These errors were fixed during conversion to GIS format. - Missing or invalid textures were filled in based on similar polygons located nearby which had the same parent material and similar soil taxonomy. - Missing, invalid or incomplete soil taxonomy for mineral soils were fixed based on similar polygons located nearby which had the same parent material and similar soil texture. - Missing parent materials were filled in based on soil textures, surface form, soil taxonomic classification, remote sensing imagery and similar polygons located nearby. - Slope and surface form mismatches were fixed based on remote sensing imagery and percent slope maps derived from digital elevation models (DEMs). - Surface forms and slopes have been updated to resolve inconsistencies: i.e. steep surface forms must have slopes >70%. - Slopes appeared overestimated along river valleys compared to available DEMs and orthophotos. These "steep" slopes have been updated by using the Base Features DEM but this should be confirmed using detailed LiDAR. - Soil taxonomy and soil drainage mismatches were resolved in favour of Gleyed subgroups having "Imperfect" soil drainage and Gleysols having "Poor" to "Very poor" soil drainage. (References: Canadian System of Soil Classification, 3rd Edition; and "Estimation of Drainage Classes for Deep Soils" as found in various field guides produced by Natural Resources Canada). Soils in Fibrisol, Mesisol and Humisol great groups of the Organic order were classified as having "Poor" to "Very poor" soil drainage, unless there was evidence to the contrary. Domed bogs and plateaus can have "Imperfect" soil drainage, whereas Organic Cryosols, Folisols and drained peatlands can have "Imperfect" to "Moderately well" drained soils. (Reference: Moisture subclasses as applied to organic soils, Canadian System of Soil Classification, 3rd Edition). Unresolved issues include: - In the original PLC maps, wet areas were often mapped as undifferentiated organics (O) with a default texture description of mesic (M) and the soil taxonomic classification was usually missing or incomplete. These wetlands may range from mineral soils with or without peaty overlays less than 40 cm thick, to organic soils with or without a terric layer within 160 cm of the soil surface. If an organic layer is present, it usually has a fibric degree of decomposition near the soil surface, grading to mesic or humic at greater depths. - Some of the photo-interpreted slope classes and proportions have been found to be inaccurate. These slope classes and proportions need to be reviewed and updated based on high resolution DEM derived slope maps, remote sensing imagery and site inspections. - Modifying processes were rarely included in the original PLC map symbols, even though evidence of such processes (Avalanched, Failing, Eroded/Channelled, Kettled, Gullied) is visible in air-photos, remote sensing imagery and in the scrolled pattern of stream channels in the Base Features Single Line Network. - Fluvial and glacio-fluvial parent materials labelled as having a coarse fragment content of 'g' without a texture (i.e. gravel with no fines < 2 mm) may actually be gravelly sand or gravelly loamy sand (gS, gLS).
Logical Consistency Report: The maps associated with a particular study area were usually captured as individual map sheets and were not necessarily edge-matched between map sheets or between adjacent study areas. The data were loaded as individual datasets by study area so gaps and overlaps exist between the datasets. The topology of the classified datasets was checked in ArcInfo to ensure that it was sound. Arc and node topology builds cleanly with no errors.
Completeness Report: PLC mapping exists for only a portion of the province. There is continuous mapping for much of the eastern slopes but otherwise the mapping is discontinuous. There are currently 43 PLC studies at a variety of scales, although most study areas were mapped as geomorphic units at a scale of 1:50 000. Only 11 PLC maps have been converted into GIS-ready format. An additional two maps have been georeferenced and rectified.
Positional Accuracy:
Horizontal Positional Accuracy:
Horizontal Positional Accuracy Report: Each map sheet was georeferenced using the following quality control standards: - There was a minimum of 100 control points distributed evenly across each .tif image. The control points were based on locations in the Base Features 1:50K NTS, ATS, Access, Facilities and Hydrography. Intersection points were preferred and the control points included the four (4) corners of each map sheet. - The overall RMSE for all control points is no greater than 35 metres and individual control point rarely have an error greater than 70 metres. - Features in the georeferenced / rectified .tif images line up within 50 metres of the corresponding features in: i) the Base Features Alberta Township System; ii) the Base Features National Topographic System 1:50 000 polygon arcs; iii) the Base Features Access and Facilities lines (roads, power lines, pipe lines, railways, cut lines, trails, etc); iv) perennial waterbodies in the Base Features Hydrography Polygons; and v) stream channels in the Base Features Single Line Network. A number of the feature types in the Base Features Hydrography Polygons are included as PLC polygons. These water polygon shorelines and glacier boundaries have a horizontal accuracy that varies from +/- 100 metres to +/- 5 metres depending upon the original source of the line work. The horizontal accuracy for the PLC polygons is unknown. As the polygons are not homogeneous and represent a combination of a number of different landform features, the placement of the polygon boundaries is very subjective. The accuracy of the line placement is best described in terms of attribute accuracy. Unresolved issues include: - A few polygons may have been missed during the initial digitizing/scanning. - Slivers along stream channels: Fluvial polygon should include sediments deposited inside the U shaped bend of meandering stream channels. Upland polygons should end at the boundary of river polygons, unless it clearly continues as an island inside the river. - Polygon boundaries could be updated for anthropogenic features such as gravel pits. - Polygon boundaries could be improved in areas of abrupt slope changes: e.g. valleys, gullies
Vertical Positional Accuracy:
Vertical Positional Accuracy Report: Not applicable
Source Information:
Source Citation:
Citation Information:
Originator: Alberta Environment and Parks, Government of Alberta
Publication Date: various
Title: Alberta Physical Land Classification Tagged Image Format Files
Geospatial Data Presentation Form: raster digital data
Other Citation Details: available as separate images
Source Scale Denominator: 50000
Type of Source Media: disc
Source Citation Abbreviation: PLC_TIF
Source Contribution: The .tif images of the PLC maps form the base for the PLC vector maps.
Source Information:
Source Citation:
Citation Information:
Originator: Alberta Environment and Parks, Government of Alberta
Publication Date: various
Title: Base Features Single Line Network
Geospatial Data Presentation Form: vector digital data
Series Information:
Series Name: Base Features Hydrography
Publication Information:
Publication Place: Edmonton, Alberta
Publisher: Alberta Environment and Parks, Government of Alberta
Source Scale Denominator: 20000
Type of Source Media: disc
Source Time Period of Content:
Time Period Information:
Range of Dates/Times:
Beginning Date: 1981
Ending Date: 1995
Source Currentness Reference: publication date
Source Citation Abbreviation: BF_SLNET
Source Contribution: The Base Features Single Line Network is used as a source for georeferencing the PLC landform .tif images
Source Information:
Source Citation:
Citation Information:
Originator: Alberta Environment and Parks, Government of Alberta
Publication Date: various
Title: Base Features Hydrography Polygons
Geospatial Data Presentation Form: vector digital data
Series Information:
Series Name: Base Features Hydrography
Publication Information:
Publication Place: Edmonton, Alberta
Publisher: Alberta Environment and Parks, Government of Alberta
Source Scale Denominator: 20000
Type of Source Media: disc
Source Time Period of Content:
Time Period Information:
Range of Dates/Times:
Beginning Date: 1981
Ending Date: 1995
Source Currentness Reference: publication date
Source Citation Abbreviation: BF_HYDROPOLYS
Source Contribution: The Base Features Hydrography Polygons are used as a source for georeferencing the PLC .tif images. The following feature types in the Base Features Hydrography Polygons are included in the PLC as generalized "Water" polygons: RIV-MAJ, LAKE-PER, RESERVOIR, OXBOW-PER, AQUEDUCT, and CANAL-MAJ. The "ICEFIELD" feature type is translated as PLC polygons with parent material = "I" (Ice).
Source Information:
Source Citation:
Citation Information:
Originator: Alberta Environment and Parks, Government of Alberta
Title: Base Features National Topographic Service 1:50 000 Grid
Geospatial Data Presentation Form: vector digital data
Source Scale Denominator: 20000
Type of Source Media: disc
Source Citation Abbreviation: BF_NTS
Source Contribution: The Base Features 1:50 000 NTS Grid is used for georeferencing the corners of each PLC .tif image. The PLC map sheet boundaries are defined by the 1:50 000 BF NTS grid.
Source Information:
Source Citation:
Citation Information:
Originator: Alberta Environment and Parks, Government of Alberta
Title: Base Features Alberta Township System Index Grid
Geospatial Data Presentation Form: vector digital data
Source Scale Denominator: 20000
Type of Source Media: disc
Source Citation Abbreviation: BF_ATS
Source Contribution: The Base Features Alberta Township Index Grid is used as a base for georeferencing the Physical Land Classification .tif images.
Process Step:
Process Description: The PLC .tif images created from hardcopy maps were georeferenced and rectified in Universal Transverse Mercator Zone 11 or 12 North American Datum 1983.
Source Used Citation Abbreviation: PLC_TIF
Source Used Citation Abbreviation: BF_SLNET
Source Used Citation Abbreviation: BF_HYDROPOLYS
Source Used Citation Abbreviation: BF_NTS
Source Used Citation Abbreviation: BF_ATS
Process Date: Starting in 2007
Source Produced Citation Abbreviation: PLC_GEOREF_TIF
Process Step:
Process Description: Georeferenced rectified PLC .tif images were cleaned and vectorized as individual map tiles when there was sufficient contrast between the PLC polygon lines and the base.
Source Used Citation Abbreviation: PLC_GEOREF_TIF
Process Date: Starting in 2007
Source Produced Citation Abbreviation: PLC_POLY
Process Step:
Process Description: Base Features Hydrography Polygons with RIV-MAJ, LAKE-PER, RESERVOIR, OXBOW-PER, AQUEDUCT, and CANAL-MAJ feature types were translated as generalized "Water" polygons. The "ICEFIELD" feature type was translated as PLC polygons with parent material = "I" (Ice).
Source Used Citation Abbreviation: BF_HYDROPOLYS
Process Date: Starting in 2009
Source Produced Citation Abbreviation: PLC_WATER_ICE
Process Step:
Process Description: Vectorized/digitized PLC map sheets were merged into a single dataset for each report. Icefields and permanent waterbodies on the original map were replaced with equivalent polygons derived from the most current Base Features Hydrography Polygons. Water polygons, icefield polygons, NTS lines and ATS lines were used to close off dangling PLC lines.
Source Used Citation Abbreviation: PLC_POLY
Source Used Citation Abbreviation: PLC_WATER_ICE
Source Used Citation Abbreviation: BF_NTS
Source Used Citation Abbreviation: BF_ATS
Process Date: Starting in 2009
Source Produced Citation Abbreviation: PLC_MERGED_BY_REPORT
Process Step:
Process Description: Polygons were attributed by recording the four quadrants of the map symbol into the ORIG_GCSE, ORIG_T, ORIG_SA and ORIG_SSD data fields.
Source Used Citation Abbreviation: PLC_MERGED_BY_REPORT
Process Date: Starting in 2009
Source Produced Citation Abbreviation: PLC_LABEL
Process Step:
Process Description: AML programs were created to break the captured map symbols into separate standardized data fields, and to check the attributes for logical inconsistencies. Inconsistencies and omissions were corrected based on available information contained in the original PLC maps, digital orthophotos, DEM derived slope maps, and Ecological Land Classification maps of similar scale. Corrections were applied to the ORIG data fields and the .AML programs were re-run. This process was repeated until the number and type of errors were deemed to be acceptable.
Source Used Citation Abbreviation: PLC_LABEL
Process Date: Starting in 2010
Source Produced Citation Abbreviation: PLC_POPULATE_AUDIT
Process Contact:
Contact Information:
Process Step:
Process Description: Data were converted from ESRI coverage format to i) ESRI File Geodatabase format, and ii) ESRI Enterprise Geodatabase format. The data were loaded into the SDE repository on GRID and a child replica was created in the SDE warehouse on GEO1.
Source Used Citation Abbreviation: PLC_POPULATE_AUDIT
Process Date: 2011
Source Produced Citation Abbreviation: PLC_GDB
Spatial Data Organization Information:
Direct Spatial Reference Method: Vector
Point and Vector Object Information:
ESRI Terms Description:
ESRI Feature Type: Simple
ESRI Topology: FALSE
ESRI Feature Count: 17235
Spatial Index: TRUE
Linear Referencing: FALSE
SDTS Terms Description:
SDTS Point and Vector Object Type: GT-polygon composed of chains
Point and Vector Object Count: 17235
Spatial Reference Information:
Horizontal Coordinate System Definition:
Planar Coordinate Information:
Planar Coordinate Encoding Method: coordinate pair
Coordinate Representation:
Abscissa Resolution: 0.000100
Ordinate Resolution: 0.000100
Planar Distance Units: meters
Geodetic Model:
Horizontal Datum Name: North American Datum of1983
Ellipsoid Name: Geodetic Reference System 80
Semi-major Axis: 6378137.000000
Denominator of Flattening Ratio: 298.257222
Coordinate System Name:
Projected Coordinate System Name: NAD 1983 10TM AEP Forest
Entity and Attribute Information:
Detailed Description:
Entity Type:
Entity Type Definition: Polygon attributes
Entity Type Label: PLCs
Entity Type Type: Feature Class
Entity Type Count: 17235
Attribute Label: OBJECTID
Attribute Definition: Internal feature number.
Attribute Definition Source: ESRI
Attribute Domain Values:
Unrepresentable Domain: Sequential unique whole numbers that are automatically generated.
Attribute Alias: OBJECTID
Attribute Type: OID
Attribute Width: 4
Attribute Precision: 10
Attribute Scale: 0
Attribute Label: Shape
Attribute Definition: Feature geometry.
Attribute Definition Source: ESRI
Attribute Domain Values:
Unrepresentable Domain: Coordinates defining the features.
Attribute Alias: Shape
Attribute Type: Geometry
Attribute Width: 4
Attribute Precision: 0
Attribute Scale: 0
Attribute Label: POLYNO
Attribute Definition: Polygon Number
Attribute Definition Source: Physical Land Classification (PLC) Conversion Modifications
Attribute Domain Values:
Range Domain:
Range Domain Minimum: 1
Range Domain Maximum: N
Attribute Alias: POLYNO
Attribute Type: Integer
Attribute Width: 4
Attribute Precision: 10
Attribute Scale: 0
Attribute Label: ORIG_GCSE
Attribute Definition: Genetic Composition and Surface Expression code from the original map
Attribute Definition Source: Physical Land Classification Methodology, Physical Land Classification (PLC) Conversion Modifications
Attribute Alias: ORIG_GCSE
Attribute Type: String
Attribute Width: 25
Attribute Precision: 0
Attribute Scale: 0
Attribute Label: PM_O1
Attribute Definition: Parent material codes for primary overlay (O1). An overlay is one type of parent material over another within a metre of the soil surface. Overlay fields (O1, O2, O3) are only filled-in if there is more than one parent material within a metre of the soil surface. If there is only one type of parent material within a metre of the soil surface, it is recorded as an underlay (U1, U2, U3). Bedrock is not permitted as an overlay.
Attribute Definition Source: Physical Land Classification Methodology, Physical Land Classification (PLC) Conversion Modifications, The Canadian System of Soil Classification, Ecological Land Survey Site Description Manual
Attribute Alias: PM_O1
Attribute Type: String
Attribute Width: 2
Attribute Precision: 0
Attribute Scale: 0
Attribute Label: PM_O1_D
Attribute Definition: Parent material code descriptions for primary overlay (O1). An overlay is one type of parent material over another within a metre of the soil surface. Overlay fields (O1, O2, O3) are only filled in if there is more than one parent material within a metre of the soil surface. If there is only one type of parent material within a metre of the soil surface, it is recorded as an underlay (U1, U2, U3). Bedrock is not permitted as an overlay.
Attribute Definition Source: Physical Land Classification Methodology, Physical Land Classification (PLC) Conversion Modifications, The Canadian System of Soil Classification, Ecological Land Survey Site Description Manual
Attribute Alias: PM_O1_D
Attribute Type: String
Attribute Width: 60
Attribute Precision: 0
Attribute Scale: 0
Attribute Label: SURF_O1A
Attribute Definition: Surface expression codes. Up to three surface expressions (A,B,C) are given for each of primary overlay (O1), secondary overlay (O2) and tertiary overlay (O3). Blankets and veneers (b, v) are recorded as overlays, not underlays. Floating organics are recorded as overlays, with water as an underlay. Underlay surface expressions may apply to both the overlay and underlay.
Attribute Definition Source: Physical Land Classification Methodology, Physical Land Classification (PLC) Conversion Modifications, The Canadian System of Soil Classification, Ecological Land Survey Site Description Manual
Attribute Alias: SURF_O1A
Attribute Type: String
Attribute Width: 2
Attribute Precision: 0
Attribute Scale: 0
Attribute Label: SURF_O1B
Attribute Definition: Surface expression codes. Up to three surface expressions (A,B,C) are given for each of primary overlay (O1), secondary overlay (O2) and tertiary overlay (O3). Blankets and veneers (b, v) are recorded as overlays, not underlays. Floating organics are recorded as overlays, with water as an underlay. Underlay surface expressions may apply to both the overlay and underlay.
Attribute Definition Source: Physical Land Classification Methodology, Physical Land Classification (PLC) Conversion Modifications, The Canadian System of Soil Classification, Ecological Land Survey Site Description Manual
Attribute Alias: SURF_O1B
Attribute Type: String
Attribute Width: 2
Attribute Precision: 0
Attribute Scale: 0
Attribute Label: SURF_O1C
Attribute Definition: Surface expression codes. Up to three surface expressions (A,B,C) are given for each of primary overlay (O1), secondary overlay (O2) and tertiary overlay (O3). Blankets and veneers (b, v) are recorded as overlays, not underlays. Floating organics are recorded as overlays, with water as an underlay. Underlay surface expressions may apply to both the overlay and underlay.
Attribute Definition Source: Physical Land Classification Methodology, Physical Land Classification (PLC) Conversion Modifications, The Canadian System of Soil Classification, Ecological Land Survey Site Description Manual
Attribute Alias: SURF_O1C
Attribute Type: String
Attribute Width: 2
Attribute Precision: 0
Attribute Scale: 0
Attribute Label: SURF_O1A_D
Attribute Definition: Surface expression descriptions. Up to three surface expressions (A,B,C) are given for each of primary overlay (O1), secondary overlay (O2) and tertiary overlay (O3). Blankets and veneers (b, v) are recorded as overlays. Floating organics are recorded as overlays, with water as an underlay. Underlay surface expressions may apply to both the overlay and underlay.
Attribute Definition Source: Physical Land Classification Methodology, Physical Land Classification (PLC) Conversion Modifications, The Canadian System of Soil Classification, Ecological Land Survey Site Description Manual
Attribute Alias: SURF_O1A_D
Attribute Type: String
Attribute Width: 20
Attribute Precision: 0
Attribute Scale: 0
Attribute Label: SURF_O1B_D
Attribute Definition: Surface expression descriptions. Up to three surface expressions (A,B,C) are given for each of primary overlay (O1), secondary overlay (O2) and tertiary overlay (O3). Blankets and veneers (b, v) are recorded as overlays. Floating organics are recorded as overlays, with water as an underlay. Underlay surface expressions may apply to both the overlay and underlay.
Attribute Definition Source: Physical Land Classification Methodology, Physical Land Classification (PLC) Conversion Modifications, The Canadian System of Soil Classification, Ecological Land Survey Site Description Manual
Attribute Alias: SURF_O1B_D
Attribute Type: String
Attribute Width: 20
Attribute Precision: 0
Attribute Scale: 0
Attribute Label: SURF_O1C_D
Attribute Definition: Surface expression descriptions. Up to three surface expressions (A,B,C) are given for each of primary overlay (O1), secondary overlay (O2) and tertiary overlay (O3). Blankets and veneers (b, v) are recorded as overlays. Floating organics are recorded as overlays, with water as an underlay. Underlay surface expressions may apply to both the overlay and underlay.
Attribute Definition Source: Physical Land Classification Methodology, Physical Land Classification (PLC) Conversion Modifications, The Canadian System of Soil Classification, Ecological Land Survey Site Description Manual
Attribute Alias: SURF_O1C_D
Attribute Type: String
Attribute Width: 20
Attribute Precision: 0
Attribute Scale: 0
Attribute Label: PM_U1
Attribute Definition: Parent material codes for primary underlay (U1).
Attribute Definition Source: Physical Land Classification Methodology, Physical Land Classification (PLC) Conversion Modifications, The Canadian System of Soil Classification, Ecological Land Survey Site Description Manual
Attribute Alias: PM_U1
Attribute Type: String
Attribute Width: 2
Attribute Precision: 0
Attribute Scale: 0
Attribute Label: PM_U1_D
Attribute Definition: Parent material code descriptions for primary underlay (U1).
Attribute Definition Source: Physical Land Classification Methodology, Physical Land Classification (PLC) Conversion Modifications, The Canadian System of Soil Classification, Ecological Land Survey Site Description Manual
Attribute Alias: PM_U1_D
Attribute Type: String
Attribute Width: 60
Attribute Precision: 0
Attribute Scale: 0
Attribute Label: SURF_U1A
Attribute Definition: Surface expression codes. Up to three surface expressions (A,B,C) are given for each of primary underlay (U1), secondary underlay (U2) and tertiary underlay (U3). Blankets and veneers (b, v) are recorded as overlays, not underlays. Floating organics are recorded as overlays, with water as an underlay. Underlay surface expressions may apply to both the overlay and underlay.
Attribute Definition Source: Physical Land Classification Methodology, Physical Land Classification (PLC) Conversion Modifications, The Canadian System of Soil Classification, Ecological Land Survey Site Description Manual
Attribute Alias: SURF_U1A
Attribute Type: String
Attribute Width: 2
Attribute Precision: 0
Attribute Scale: 0
Attribute Label: SURF_U1B
Attribute Definition: Surface expression codes. Up to three surface expressions (A,B,C) are given for each of primary underlay (U1), secondary underlay (U2) and tertiary underlay (U3). Blankets and veneers (b, v) are recorded as overlays, not underlays. Floating organics are recorded as overlays, with water as an underlay. Underlay surface expressions may apply to both the overlay and underlay.
Attribute Definition Source: Physical Land Classification Methodology, Physical Land Classification (PLC) Conversion Modifications, The Canadian System of Soil Classification, Ecological Land Survey Site Description Manual
Attribute Alias: SURF_U1B
Attribute Type: String
Attribute Width: 2
Attribute Precision: 0
Attribute Scale: 0
Attribute Label: SURF_U1C
Attribute Definition: Surface expression codes. Up to three surface expressions (A,B,C) are given for each of primary underlay (U1), secondary underlay (U2) and tertiary underlay (U3). Blankets and veneers (b, v) are recorded as overlays, not underlays. Floating organics are recorded as overlays, with water as an underlay. Underlay surface expressions may apply to both the overlay and underlay.
Attribute Definition Source: Physical Land Classification Methodology, Physical Land Classification (PLC) Conversion Modifications, The Canadian System of Soil Classification, Ecological Land Survey Site Description Manual
Attribute Alias: SURF_U1C
Attribute Type: String
Attribute Width: 2
Attribute Precision: 0
Attribute Scale: 0
Attribute Label: SURF_U1A_D
Attribute Definition: Surface expression descriptions. Up to three surface expressions (A,B,C) are given for each of primary underlay (U1), secondary underlay (U2), and tertiary underlay (U3). Underlay surface expressions may apply to both the overlay and underlay.
Attribute Definition Source: Physical Land Classification Methodology, Physical Land Classification (PLC) Conversion Modifications, The Canadian System of Soil Classification, Ecological Land Survey Site Description Manual
Attribute Alias: SURF_U1A_D
Attribute Type: String
Attribute Width: 20
Attribute Precision: 0
Attribute Scale: 0
Attribute Label: SURF_U1B_D
Attribute Definition: Surface expression descriptions. Up to three surface expressions (A,B,C) are given for each of primary underlay (U1), secondary underlay (U2), and tertiary underlay (U3). Underlay surface expressions may apply to both the overlay and underlay.
Attribute Definition Source: Physical Land Classification Methodology, Physical Land Classification (PLC) Conversion Modifications, The Canadian System of Soil Classification, Ecological Land Survey Site Description Manual
Attribute Alias: SURF_U1B_D
Attribute Type: String
Attribute Width: 20
Attribute Precision: 0
Attribute Scale: 0
Attribute Label: SURF_U1C_D
Attribute Definition: Surface expression descriptions. Up to three surface expressions (A,B,C) are given for each of primary underlay (U1), secondary underlay (U2), and tertiary underlay (U3). Underlay surface expressions may apply to both the overlay and underlay.
Attribute Definition Source: Physical Land Classification Methodology, Physical Land Classification (PLC) Conversion Modifications, The Canadian System of Soil Classification, Ecological Land Survey Site Description Manual
Attribute Alias: SURF_U1C_D
Attribute Type: String
Attribute Width: 20
Attribute Precision: 0
Attribute Scale: 0
Attribute Label: PM1_P
Attribute Definition: Percent of polygon area occupied by the first parent material overlay-underlay combination.
Attribute Definition Source: Physical Land Classification Methodology, Physical Land Classification (PLC) Conversion Modifications
Attribute Domain Values:
Range Domain:
Range Domain Minimum: 40
Range Domain Maximum: 100
Attribute Units of Measure: percent
Attribute Measurement Resolution: 10 percent
Attribute Alias: PM1_P
Attribute Type: SmallInteger
Attribute Width: 2
Attribute Precision: 5
Attribute Scale: 0
Attribute Label: PM_1REL2
Attribute Definition: Relative proportion of components based on parent materials.
Attribute Definition Source: Physical Land Classification Methodology, Physical Land Classification (PLC) Conversion Modifications
Attribute Alias: PM_1REL2
Attribute Type: String
Attribute Width: 2
Attribute Precision: 0
Attribute Scale: 0
Attribute Label: PM_O2
Attribute Definition: Parent material codes for secondary overlay (O2). An overlay is one type of parent material over another within a metre of the soil surface. Overlay fields (O1, O2, O3) are only filled-in if there is more than one parent material within a metre of the soil surface. If there is only one type of parent material within a metre of the soil surface, it is recorded as an underlay (U1, U2, U3). Bedrock is not permitted as an overlay.
Attribute Definition Source: Physical Land Classification Methodology, Physical Land Classification (PLC) Conversion Modifications, The Canadian System of Soil Classification, Ecological Land Survey Site Description Manual
Attribute Alias: PM_O2
Attribute Type: String
Attribute Width: 2
Attribute Precision: 0
Attribute Scale: 0
Attribute Label: PM_O2_D
Attribute Definition: Parent material code descriptions for secondary overlay (O2). An overlay is one type of parent material over another within a metre of the soil surface. Overlay fields (O1, O2, O3) are only filled in if there is more than one parent material within a metre of the soil surface. If there is only one type of parent material within a metre of the soil surface, it is recorded as an underlay (U1, U2, U3). Bedrock is not permitted as an overlay.
Attribute Definition Source: Physical Land Classification Methodology, Physical Land Classification (PLC) Conversion Modifications, The Canadian System of Soil Classification, Ecological Land Survey Site Description Manual
Attribute Alias: PM_O2_D
Attribute Type: String
Attribute Width: 60
Attribute Precision: 0
Attribute Scale: 0
Attribute Label: SURF_O2A
Attribute Definition: Surface expression codes. Up to three surface expressions (A,B,C) are given for each of primary overlay (O1), secondary overlay (O2) and tertiary overlay (O3). Blankets and veneers (b, v) are recorded as overlays, not underlays. Floating organics are recorded as overlays, with water as an underlay. Underlay surface expressions may apply to both the overlay and underlay.
Attribute Definition Source: Physical Land Classification Methodology, Physical Land Classification (PLC) Conversion Modifications, The Canadian System of Soil Classification, Ecological Land Survey Site Description Manual
Attribute Alias: SURF_O2A
Attribute Type: String
Attribute Width: 2
Attribute Precision: 0
Attribute Scale: 0
Attribute Label: SURF_O2B
Attribute Definition: Surface expression codes. Up to three surface expressions (A,B,C) are given for each of primary overlay (O1), secondary overlay (O2) and tertiary overlay (O3). Blankets and veneers (b, v) are recorded as overlays, not underlays. Floating organics are recorded as overlays, with water as an underlay. Underlay surface expressions may apply to both the overlay and underlay.
Attribute Definition Source: Physical Land Classification Methodology, Physical Land Classification (PLC) Conversion Modifications, The Canadian System of Soil Classification, Ecological Land Survey Site Description Manual
Attribute Alias: SURF_O2B
Attribute Type: String
Attribute Width: 2
Attribute Precision: 0
Attribute Scale: 0
Attribute Label: SURF_O2C
Attribute Definition: Surface expression codes. Up to three surface expressions (A,B,C) are given for each of primary overlay (O1), secondary overlay (O2) and tertiary overlay (O3). Blankets and veneers (b, v) are recorded as overlays, not underlays. Floating organics are recorded as overlays, with water as an underlay. Underlay surface expressions may apply to both the overlay and underlay.
Attribute Definition Source: Physical Land Classification Methodology, Physical Land Classification (PLC) Conversion Modifications, The Canadian System of Soil Classification, Ecological Land Survey Site Description Manual
Attribute Alias: SURF_O2C
Attribute Type: String
Attribute Width: 2
Attribute Precision: 0
Attribute Scale: 0
Attribute Label: SURF_O2A_D
Attribute Definition: Surface expression descriptions. Up to three surface expressions (A,B,C) are given for each of primary overlay (O1), secondary overlay (O2) and tertiary overlay (O3). Blankets and veneers (b, v) are recorded as overlays. Floating organics are recorded as overlays, with water as an underlay. Underlay surface expressions may apply to both the overlay and underlay.
Attribute Definition Source: Physical Land Classification Methodology, Physical Land Classification (PLC) Conversion Modifications, The Canadian System of Soil Classification, Ecological Land Survey Site Description Manual
Attribute Alias: SURF_O2A_D
Attribute Type: String
Attribute Width: 20
Attribute Precision: 0
Attribute Scale: 0
Attribute Label: SURF_O2B_D
Attribute Definition: Surface expression descriptions. Up to three surface expressions (A,B,C) are given for each of primary overlay (O1), secondary overlay (O2) and tertiary overlay (O3). Blankets and veneers (b, v) are recorded as overlays. Floating organics are recorded as overlays, with water as an underlay. Underlay surface expressions may apply to both the overlay and underlay.
Attribute Definition Source: Physical Land Classification Methodology, Physical Land Classification (PLC) Conversion Modifications, The Canadian System of Soil Classification, Ecological Land Survey Site Description Manual
Attribute Alias: SURF_O2B_D
Attribute Type: String
Attribute Width: 20
Attribute Precision: 0
Attribute Scale: 0
Attribute Label: SURF_O2C_D
Attribute Definition: Surface expression descriptions. Up to three surface expressions (A,B,C) are given for each of primary overlay (O1), secondary overlay (O2) and tertiary overlay (O3). Blankets and veneers (b, v) are recorded as overlays. Floating organics are recorded as overlays, with water as an underlay. Underlay surface expressions may apply to both the overlay and underlay.
Attribute Definition Source: Physical Land Classification Methodology, Physical Land Classification (PLC) Conversion Modifications, The Canadian System of Soil Classification, Ecological Land Survey Site Description Manual
Attribute Alias: SURF_O2C_D
Attribute Type: String
Attribute Width: 20
Attribute Precision: 0
Attribute Scale: 0
Attribute Label: PM_U2
Attribute Definition: Parent material codes for secondary underlay (U2).
Attribute Definition Source: Physical Land Classification Methodology, Physical Land Classification (PLC) Conversion Modifications, The Canadian System of Soil Classification, Ecological Land Survey Site Description Manual
Attribute Alias: PM_U2
Attribute Type: String
Attribute Width: 2
Attribute Precision: 0
Attribute Scale: 0
Attribute Label: PM_U2_D
Attribute Definition: Parent material code descriptions for secondary underlay (U2).
Attribute Definition Source: Physical Land Classification Methodology, Physical Land Classification (PLC) Conversion Modifications, The Canadian System of Soil Classification, Ecological Land Survey Site Description Manual
Attribute Alias: PM_U2_D
Attribute Type: String
Attribute Width: 60
Attribute Precision: 0
Attribute Scale: 0
Attribute Label: SURF_U2A
Attribute Definition: Surface expression codes. Up to three surface expressions (A,B,C) are given for each of primary underlay (U1), secondary underlay (U2) and tertiary underlay (U3). Blankets and veneers (b, v) are recorded as overlays, not underlays. Floating organics are recorded as overlays, with water as an underlay. Underlay surface expressions may apply to both the overlay and underlay.
Attribute Definition Source: Physical Land Classification Methodology, Physical Land Classification (PLC) Conversion Modifications, The Canadian System of Soil Classification, Ecological Land Survey Site Description Manual
Attribute Alias: SURF_U2A
Attribute Type: String
Attribute Width: 2
Attribute Precision: 0
Attribute Scale: 0
Attribute Label: SURF_U2B
Attribute Definition: Surface expression codes. Up to three surface expressions (A,B,C) are given for each of primary underlay (U1), secondary underlay (U2) and tertiary underlay (U3). Blankets and veneers (b, v) are recorded as overlays, not underlays. Floating organics are recorded as overlays, with water as an underlay. Underlay surface expressions may apply to both the overlay and underlay.
Attribute Definition Source: Physical Land Classification Methodology, Physical Land Classification (PLC) Conversion Modifications, The Canadian System of Soil Classification, Ecological Land Survey Site Description Manual
Attribute Alias: SURF_U2B
Attribute Type: String
Attribute Width: 2
Attribute Precision: 0
Attribute Scale: 0
Attribute Label: SURF_U2C
Attribute Definition: Surface expression codes. Up to three surface expressions (A,B,C) are given for each of primary underlay (U1), secondary underlay (U2) and tertiary underlay (U3). Blankets and veneers (b, v) are recorded as overlays, not underlays. Floating organics are recorded as overlays, with water as an underlay. Underlay surface expressions may apply to both the overlay and underlay.
Attribute Definition Source: Physical Land Classification Methodology, Physical Land Classification (PLC) Conversion Modifications, The Canadian System of Soil Classification, Ecological Land Survey Site Description Manual
Attribute Alias: SURF_U2C
Attribute Type: String
Attribute Width: 2
Attribute Precision: 0
Attribute Scale: 0
Attribute Label: SURF_U2A_D
Attribute Definition: Surface expression descriptions. Up to three surface expressions (A,B,C) are given for each of primary underlay (U1), secondary underlay (U2), and tertiary underlay (U3). Underlay surface expressions may apply to both the overlay and underlay, if applicable.
Attribute Definition Source: Physical Land Classification Methodology, Physical Land Classification (PLC) Conversion Modifications, The Canadian System of Soil Classification, Ecological Land Survey Site Description Manual
Attribute Alias: SURF_U2A_D
Attribute Type: String
Attribute Width: 20
Attribute Precision: 0
Attribute Scale: 0
Attribute Label: SURF_U2B_D
Attribute Definition: Surface expression descriptions. Up to three surface expressions (A,B,C) are given for each of primary underlay (U1), secondary underlay (U2), and tertiary underlay (U3). Underlay surface expressions may apply to both the overlay and underlay, if applicable.
Attribute Definition Source: Physical Land Classification Methodology, Physical Land Classification (PLC) Conversion Modifications, The Canadian System of Soil Classification, Ecological Land Survey Site Description Manual
Attribute Alias: SURF_U2B_D
Attribute Type: String
Attribute Width: 20
Attribute Precision: 0
Attribute Scale: 0
Attribute Label: SURF_U2C_D
Attribute Definition: Surface expression descriptions. Up to three surface expressions (A,B,C) are given for each of primary underlay (U1), secondary underlay (U2), and tertiary underlay (U3). Underlay surface expressions may apply to both the overlay and underlay, if applicable.
Attribute Definition Source: Physical Land Classification Methodology, Physical Land Classification (PLC) Conversion Modifications, The Canadian System of Soil Classification, Ecological Land Survey Site Description Manual.
Attribute Alias: SURF_U2C_D
Attribute Type: String
Attribute Width: 20
Attribute Precision: 0
Attribute Scale: 0
Attribute Label: PM2_P
Attribute Definition: Percent of polygon area occupied by the second parent material overlay-underlay combination.
Attribute Definition Source: Physical Land Classification Methodology, Physical Land Classification (PLC) Conversion Modifications
Attribute Domain Values:
Range Domain:
Range Domain Minimum: 0
Range Domain Maximum: 50
Attribute Units of Measure: percent
Attribute Measurement Resolution: 10 percent
Attribute Alias: PM2_P
Attribute Type: SmallInteger
Attribute Width: 2
Attribute Precision: 5
Attribute Scale: 0
Attribute Label: PM_2REL3
Attribute Definition: Relative proportion of components based on parent materials.
Attribute Definition Source: Physical Land Classification Methodology, Physical Land Classification (PLC) Conversion Modifications
Attribute Alias: PM_2REL3
Attribute Type: String
Attribute Width: 2
Attribute Precision: 0
Attribute Scale: 0
Attribute Label: PM_O3
Attribute Definition: Parent material codes for tertiary overlay (O3). An overlay is one type of parent material over another within a metre of the soil surface. Overlay fields (O1, O2, O3) are only filled-in if there is more than one parent material within a metre of the soil surface. If there is only one type of parent material within a metre of the soil surface, it is recorded as an underlay (U1, U2, U3). Bedrock is not permitted as an overlay.
Attribute Definition Source: Physical Land Classification Methodology, Physical Land Classification (PLC) Conversion Modifications, The Canadian System of Soil Classification, Ecological Land Survey Site Description Manual
Attribute Alias: PM_O3
Attribute Type: String
Attribute Width: 2
Attribute Precision: 0
Attribute Scale: 0
Attribute Label: PM_O3_D
Attribute Definition: Parent material code descriptions for tertiary overlay (O3). An overlay is one type of parent material over another within a metre of the soil surface. Overlay fields (O1, O2, O3) are only filled in if there is more than one parent material within a metre of the soil surface. If there is only one type of parent material within a metre of the soil surface, it is recorded as an underlay (U1, U2, U3). Bedrock is not permitted as an overlay.
Attribute Definition Source: Physical Land Classification Methodology, Physical Land Classification (PLC) Conversion Modifications, The Canadian System of Soil Classification, Ecological Land Survey Site Description Manual
Attribute Alias: PM_O3_D
Attribute Type: String
Attribute Width: 60
Attribute Precision: 0
Attribute Scale: 0
Attribute Label: SURF_O3A
Attribute Definition: Surface expression codes. Up to three surface expressions (A,B,C) are given for each of primary overlay (O1), secondary overlay (O2) and tertiary overlay (O3). Blankets and veneers (b, v) are recorded as overlays, not underlays. Floating organics are recorded as overlays, with water as an underlay. Underlay surface expressions may apply to both the overlay and underlay.
Attribute Definition Source: Physical Land Classification Methodology, Physical Land Classification (PLC) Conversion Modifications, The Canadian System of Soil Classification, Ecological Land Survey Site Description Manual
Attribute Alias: SURF_O3A
Attribute Type: String
Attribute Width: 2
Attribute Precision: 0
Attribute Scale: 0
Attribute Label: SURF_O3B
Attribute Definition: Surface expression codes. Up to three surface expressions (A,B,C) are given for each of primary overlay (O1), secondary overlay (O2) and tertiary overlay (O3). Blankets and veneers (b, v) are recorded as overlays, not underlays. Floating organics are recorded as overlays, with water as an underlay. Underlay surface expressions may apply to both the overlay and underlay.
Attribute Definition Source: Physical Land Classification Methodology, Physical Land Classification (PLC) Conversion Modifications, The Canadian System of Soil Classification, Ecological Land Survey Site Description Manual
Attribute Alias: SURF_O3B
Attribute Type: String
Attribute Width: 2
Attribute Precision: 0
Attribute Scale: 0
Attribute Label: SURF_O3C
Attribute Definition: Surface expression codes. Up to three surface expressions (A,B,C) are given for each of primary overlay (O1), secondary overlay (O2) and tertiary overlay (O3). Blankets and veneers (b, v) are recorded as overlays, not underlays. Floating organics are recorded as overlays, with water as an underlay. Underlay surface expressions may apply to both the overlay and underlay.
Attribute Definition Source: Physical Land Classification Methodology, Physical Land Classification (PLC) Conversion Modifications, The Canadian System of Soil Classification, Ecological Land Survey Site Description Manual
Attribute Alias: SURF_O3C
Attribute Type: String
Attribute Width: 2
Attribute Precision: 0
Attribute Scale: 0
Attribute Label: SURF_O3A_D
Attribute Definition: Surface expression descriptions. Up to three surface expressions (A,B,C) are given for each of primary overlay (O1), secondary overlay (O2) and tertiary overlay (O3). Blankets and veneers (b, v) are recorded as overlays. Floating organics are recorded as overlays, with water as an underlay. Underlay surface expressions may apply to both the overlay and underlay.
Attribute Definition Source: Physical Land Classification Methodology, Physical Land Classification (PLC) Conversion Modifications, The Canadian System of Soil Classification, Ecological Land Survey Site Description Manual
Attribute Alias: SURF_O3A_D
Attribute Type: String
Attribute Width: 20
Attribute Precision: 0
Attribute Scale: 0
Attribute Label: SURF_O3B_D
Attribute Definition: Surface expression descriptions. Up to three surface expressions (A,B,C) are given for each of primary overlay (O1), secondary overlay (O2) and tertiary overlay (O3). Blankets and veneers (b, v) are recorded as overlays. Floating organics are recorded as overlays, with water as an underlay. Underlay surface expressions may apply to both the overlay and underlay.
Attribute Definition Source: Physical Land Classification Methodology, Physical Land Classification (PLC) Conversion Modifications, The Canadian System of Soil Classification, Ecological Land Survey Site Description Manual
Attribute Alias: SURF_O3B_D
Attribute Type: String
Attribute Width: 20
Attribute Precision: 0
Attribute Scale: 0
Attribute Label: SURF_O3C_D
Attribute Definition: Surface expression descriptions. Up to three surface expressions (A,B,C) are given for each of primary overlay (O1), secondary overlay (O2) and tertiary overlay (O3). Blankets and veneers (b, v) are recorded as overlays. Floating organics are recorded as overlays, with water as an underlay. Underlay surface expressions may apply to both the overlay and underlay.
Attribute Definition Source: Physical Land Classification Methodology, Physical Land Classification (PLC) Conversion Modifications, The Canadian System of Soil Classification, Ecological Land Survey Site Description Manual
Attribute Alias: SURF_O3C_D
Attribute Type: String
Attribute Width: 20
Attribute Precision: 0
Attribute Scale: 0
Attribute Label: PM_U3
Attribute Definition: Parent material codes for tertiary underlay (U3).
Attribute Definition Source: Physical Land Classification Methodology, Physical Land Classification (PLC) Conversion Modifications, The Canadian System of Soil Classification, Ecological Land Survey Site Description Manual
Attribute Alias: PM_U3
Attribute Type: String
Attribute Width: 2
Attribute Precision: 0
Attribute Scale: 0
Attribute Label: PM_U3_D
Attribute Definition: Parent material code descriptions for tertiary underlay (U3).
Attribute Definition Source: Physical Land Classification Methodology, Physical Land Classification (PLC) Conversion Modifications, The Canadian System of Soil Classification, Ecological Land Survey Site Description Manual
Attribute Alias: PM_U3_D
Attribute Type: String
Attribute Width: 60
Attribute Precision: 0
Attribute Scale: 0
Attribute Label: SURF_U3A
Attribute Definition: Surface expression codes. Up to three surface expressions (A,B,C) are given for each of primary underlay (U1), secondary underlay (U2) and tertiary underlay (U3). Blankets and veneers (b, v) are recorded as overlays, not underlays. Floating organics are recorded as overlays, with water as an underlay. Underlay surface expressions may apply to both the overlay and underlay.
Attribute Definition Source: Physical Land Classification Methodology, Physical Land Classification (PLC) Conversion Modifications, The Canadian System of Soil Classification, Ecological Land Survey Site Description Manual
Attribute Alias: SURF_U3A
Attribute Type: String
Attribute Width: 2
Attribute Precision: 0
Attribute Scale: 0
Attribute Label: SURF_U3B
Attribute Definition: Surface expression codes. Up to three surface expressions (A,B,C) are given for each of primary underlay (U1), secondary underlay (U2) and tertiary underlay (U3). Blankets and veneers (b, v) are recorded as overlays, not underlays. Floating organics are recorded as overlays, with water as an underlay. Underlay surface expressions may apply to both the overlay and underlay.
Attribute Definition Source: Physical Land Classification Methodology, Physical Land Classification (PLC) Conversion Modifications, The Canadian System of Soil Classification, Ecological Land Survey Site Description Manual
Attribute Alias: SURF_U3B
Attribute Type: String
Attribute Width: 2
Attribute Precision: 0
Attribute Scale: 0
Attribute Label: SURF_U3C
Attribute Definition: Surface expression codes. Up to three surface expressions (A,B,C) are given for each of primary underlay (U1), secondary underlay (U2) and tertiary underlay (U3). Blankets and veneers (b, v) are recorded as overlays, not underlays. Floating organics are recorded as overlays, with water as an underlay. Underlay surface expressions may apply to both the overlay and underlay.
Attribute Definition Source: Physical Land Classification Methodology, Physical Land Classification (PLC) Conversion Modifications, The Canadian System of Soil Classification, Ecological Land Survey Site Description Manual
Attribute Alias: SURF_U3C
Attribute Type: String
Attribute Width: 2
Attribute Precision: 0
Attribute Scale: 0
Attribute Label: SURF_U3A_D
Attribute Definition: Surface expression descriptions. Up to three surface expressions (A,B,C) are given for each of primary underlay (U1), secondary underlay (U2), and tertiary underlay (U3). Underlay surface expressions may apply to both the overlay and underlay.
Attribute Definition Source: Physical Land Classification Methodology, Physical Land Classification (PLC) Conversion Modifications, The Canadian System of Soil Classification, Ecological Land Survey Site Description Manual
Attribute Alias: SURF_U3A_D
Attribute Type: String
Attribute Width: 20
Attribute Precision: 0
Attribute Scale: 0
Attribute Label: SURF_U3B_D
Attribute Definition: Surface expression descriptions. Up to three surface expressions (A,B,C) are given for each of primary underlay (U1), secondary underlay (U2), and tertiary underlay (U3). Underlay surface expressions may apply to both the overlay and underlay.
Attribute Definition Source: Physical Land Classification Methodology, Physical Land Classification (PLC) Conversion Modifications, The Canadian System of Soil Classification, Ecological Land Survey Site Description Manual
Attribute Alias: SURF_U3B_D
Attribute Type: String
Attribute Width: 20
Attribute Precision: 0
Attribute Scale: 0
Attribute Label: SURF_U3C_D
Attribute Definition: Surface expression descriptions. Up to three surface expressions (A,B,C) are given for each of primary underlay (U1), secondary underlay (U2), and tertiary underlay (U3). Underlay surface expressions may apply to both the overlay and underlay.
Attribute Definition Source: Physical Land Classification Methodology, Physical Land Classification (PLC) Conversion Modifications, The Canadian System of Soil Classification, Ecological Land Survey Site Description Manual
Attribute Alias: SURF_U3C_D
Attribute Type: String
Attribute Width: 20
Attribute Precision: 0
Attribute Scale: 0
Attribute Label: PM3_P
Attribute Definition: Percent of polygon area occupied by the third parent material overlay-underlay combination.
Attribute Definition Source: Physical Land Classification Methodology, Physical Land Classification (PLC) Conversion Modifications
Attribute Domain Values:
Range Domain:
Range Domain Minimum: 0
Range Domain Maximum: 30
Attribute Units of Measure: percent
Attribute Measurement Resolution: 10 percent
Attribute Alias: PM3_P
Attribute Type: SmallInteger
Attribute Width: 2
Attribute Precision: 5
Attribute Scale: 0
Attribute Label: MODPRO_1
Attribute Definition: Primary modifying process code.
Attribute Definition Source: Physical Land Classification Methodology, Physical Land Classification (PLC) Conversion Modifications, The Canadian System of Soil Classification, Ecological Land Survey Site Description Manual (note that X = frozen)
Attribute Alias: MODPRO_1
Attribute Type: String
Attribute Width: 1
Attribute Precision: 0
Attribute Scale: 0
Attribute Label: MODPRO_1_D
Attribute Definition: Primary modifying process code description.
Attribute Definition Source: Physical Land Classification Methodology, Physical Land Classification (PLC) Conversion Modifications, The Canadian System of Soil Classification, Ecological Land Survey Site Description Manual (note that X = frozen)
Attribute Alias: MODPRO_1_D
Attribute Type: String
Attribute Width: 20
Attribute Precision: 0
Attribute Scale: 0
Attribute Label: MODPRO_2
Attribute Definition: Secondary modifying process code.
Attribute Definition Source: Physical Land Classification Methodology, Physical Land Classification (PLC) Conversion Modifications, The Canadian System of Soil Classification, Ecological Land Survey Site Description Manual (note that X = frozen)
Attribute Alias: MODPRO_2
Attribute Type: String
Attribute Width: 1
Attribute Precision: 0
Attribute Scale: 0
Attribute Label: MODPRO_2_D
Attribute Definition: Secondary modifying process code description.
Attribute Definition Source: Physical Land Classification Methodology, Physical Land Classification (PLC) Conversion Modifications, The Canadian System of Soil Classification, Ecological Land Survey Site Description Manual (note that X = frozen)
Attribute Alias: MODPRO_2_D
Attribute Type: String
Attribute Width: 20
Attribute Precision: 0
Attribute Scale: 0
Attribute Label: MODPRO_3
Attribute Definition: Tertiary modifying process code.
Attribute Definition Source: Physical Land Classification Methodology, Physical Land Classification (PLC) Conversion Modifications, The Canadian System of Soil Classification, Ecological Land Survey Site Description Manual (note that X = frozen)
Attribute Alias: MODPRO_3
Attribute Type: String
Attribute Width: 1
Attribute Precision: 0
Attribute Scale: 0
Attribute Label: MODPRO_3_D
Attribute Definition: Tertiary modifying process code description.
Attribute Definition Source: Physical Land Classification Methodology, Physical Land Classification (PLC) Conversion Modifications, The Canadian System of Soil Classification, Ecological Land Survey Site Description Manual (note that X = frozen)
Attribute Alias: MODPRO_3_D
Attribute Type: String
Attribute Width: 20
Attribute Precision: 0
Attribute Scale: 0
Attribute Label: ORIG_T
Attribute Definition: Texture code from the original map.
Attribute Definition Source: Physical Land Classification Methodology, Physical Land Classification (PLC) Conversion Modifications
Attribute Alias: ORIG_T
Attribute Type: String
Attribute Width: 15
Attribute Precision: 0
Attribute Scale: 0
Attribute Label: FRAG_O1
Attribute Definition: Coarse fragment codes for primary overlay (O1).
Attribute Definition Source: Physical Land Classification Methodology, Physical Land Classification (PLC) Conversion Modifications, The Canadian System of Soil Classification
Attribute Alias: FRAG_O1
Attribute Type: String
Attribute Width: 2
Attribute Precision: 0
Attribute Scale: 0
Attribute Label: FRAG_O1_D
Attribute Definition: Coarse fragment description for primary overlay (O1).
Attribute Definition Source: Physical Land Classification Methodology, Physical Land Classification (PLC) Conversion Modifications, The Canadian System of Soil Classification
Attribute Alias: FRAG_O1_D
Attribute Type: String
Attribute Width: 20
Attribute Precision: 0
Attribute Scale: 0
Attribute Label: TEXTURE_O1
Attribute Definition: Soil texture code for primary overlay (O1).
Attribute Definition Source: Physical Land Classification (PLC) Conversion Modifications, Ecological Land Survey Site Description Manual
Attribute Alias: TEXTURE_O1
Attribute Type: String
Attribute Width: 4
Attribute Precision: 0
Attribute Scale: 0
Attribute Label: TEXTURE_O1_D
Attribute Definition: Soil texture description for primary overlay (O1).
Attribute Definition Source: Physical Land Classification (PLC) Conversion Modifications, Ecological Land Survey Site Description Manual
Attribute Alias: TEXTURE_O1_D
Attribute Type: String
Attribute Width: 25
Attribute Precision: 0
Attribute Scale: 0
Attribute Label: FRAGTEX_O1_D
Attribute Definition: Combined coarse fragment and texture description for primary overlay (O1).
Attribute Definition Source: Physical Land Classification (PLC) Conversion Modifications, Ecological Land Survey Site Description Manual
Attribute Domain Values:
Enumerated Domain:
Enumerated Domain Value: 'gravel', 'cobbles', 'stones', 'boulders', 'rubble' and 'pebbles'
Enumerated Domain Value Definition: If there are too few particles 2mm in size or smaller to determine the textural class, the terms 'gravel', 'cobbles', 'stones', 'boulders', 'rubble' and 'pebbles' are used alone.
Enumerated Domain:
Enumerated Domain Value: Free text
Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Texture descriptions are preceded by a description of the coarse fragment content (blocky, bouldery, cobbly, gravelly, pebbly, or rubbly). See descriptions listed under i) coarse fragment content (FRAG) codes and ii) TEXTURE codes
Attribute Alias: FRAGTEX_O1_D
Attribute Type: String
Attribute Width: 60
Attribute Precision: 0
Attribute Scale: 0
Attribute Label: FRAG_M1
Attribute Definition: Coarse fragment codes for primary middle tier (M1).
Attribute Definition Source: Physical Land Classification Methodology, Physical Land Classification (PLC) Conversion Modifications, The Canadian System of Soil Classification
Attribute Alias: FRAG_M1
Attribute Type: String
Attribute Width: 2
Attribute Precision: 0
Attribute Scale: 0
Attribute Label: FRAG_M1_D
Attribute Definition: Coarse fragment description for primary middle tier (M1).
Attribute Definition Source: Physical Land Classification Methodology, Physical Land Classification (PLC) Conversion Modifications, The Canadian System of Soil Classification
Attribute Alias: FRAG_M1_D
Attribute Type: String
Attribute Width: 20
Attribute Precision: 0
Attribute Scale: 0
Attribute Label: TEXTURE_M1
Attribute Definition: Soil texture code for primary middle tier (M1).
Attribute Definition Source: Physical Land Classification (PLC) Conversion Modifications, Ecological Land Survey Site Description Manual
Attribute Alias: TEXTURE_M1
Attribute Type: String
Attribute Width: 4
Attribute Precision: 0
Attribute Scale: 0
Attribute Label: TEXTURE_M1_D
Attribute Definition: Soil texture description for primary middle tier (M1).
Attribute Definition Source: Physical Land Classification (PLC) Conversion Modifications, Ecological Land Survey Site Description Manual
Attribute Alias: TEXTURE_M1_D
Attribute Type: String
Attribute Width: 25
Attribute Precision: 0
Attribute Scale: 0
Attribute Label: FRAGTEX_M1_D
Attribute Definition: Combined coarse fragment and texture description for primary middle tier (M1).
Attribute Definition Source: Physical Land Classification (PLC) Conversion Modifications, Ecological Land Survey Site Description Manual
Attribute Domain Values:
Enumerated Domain:
Enumerated Domain Value: 'gravel', 'cobbles', 'stones', 'boulders', 'rubble' and 'pebbles'
Enumerated Domain Value Definition: If there are too few particles 2mm in size or smaller to determine the textural class, the terms 'gravel', 'cobbles', 'stones', 'boulders', 'rubble' and 'pebbles' are used alone.
Enumerated Domain:
Enumerated Domain Value: Free text
Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Texture descriptions are preceded by a description of the coarse fragment content (blocky, bouldery, cobbly, gravelly, pebbly, or rubbly). See descriptions listed under i) coarse fragment content (FRAG) codes and ii) TEXTURE codes
Attribute Alias: FRAGTEX_M1_D
Attribute Type: String
Attribute Width: 60
Attribute Precision: 0
Attribute Scale: 0
Attribute Label: FRAG_U1
Attribute Definition: Coarse fragment codes for primary underlay (U1).
Attribute Definition Source: Physical Land Classification Methodology, Physical Land Classification (PLC) Conversion Modifications, The Canadian System of Soil Classification
Attribute Alias: FRAG_U1
Attribute Type: String
Attribute Width: 2
Attribute Precision: 0
Attribute Scale: 0
Attribute Label: FRAG_U1_D
Attribute Definition: Coarse fragment description for primary underlay (U1).
Attribute Definition Source: Physical Land Classification Methodology, Physical Land Classification (PLC) Conversion Modifications, The Canadian System of Soil Classification
Attribute Alias: FRAG_U1_D
Attribute Type: String
Attribute Width: 20
Attribute Precision: 0
Attribute Scale: 0
Attribute Label: TEXTURE_U1
Attribute Definition: Soil texture code for primary underlay (U1).
Attribute Definition Source: Physical Land Classification (PLC) Conversion Modifications, Ecological Land Survey Site Description Manual
Attribute Alias: TEXTURE_U1
Attribute Type: String
Attribute Width: 4
Attribute Precision: 0
Attribute Scale: 0
Attribute Label: TEXTURE_U1_D
Attribute Definition: Soil texture description for primary underlay (U1).
Attribute Definition Source: Physical Land Classification (PLC) Conversion Modifications, Ecological Land Survey Site Description Manual
Attribute Alias: TEXTURE_U1_D
Attribute Type: String
Attribute Width: 25
Attribute Precision: 0
Attribute Scale: 0
Attribute Label: FRAGTEX_U1_D
Attribute Definition: Combined coarse fragment and texture description for primary underlay (U1).
Attribute Definition Source: Physical Land Classification (PLC) Conversion Modifications, Ecological Land Survey Site Description Manual
Attribute Domain Values:
Enumerated Domain:
Enumerated Domain Value: 'gravel', 'cobbles', 'stones', 'boulders', 'rubble' and 'pebbles'
Enumerated Domain Value Definition: If there are too few particles 2mm in size or smaller to determine the textural class, the terms 'gravel', 'cobbles', 'stones', 'boulders', 'rubble' and 'pebbles' are used alone.
Enumerated Domain:
Enumerated Domain Value: Free text
Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Texture descriptions are preceded by a description of the coarse fragment content (blocky, bouldery, cobbly, gravelly, pebbly, or rubbly). See descriptions listed under i) coarse fragment content (FRAG) codes and ii) TEXTURE codes
Attribute Alias: FRAGTEX_U1_D
Attribute Type: String
Attribute Width: 60
Attribute Precision: 0
Attribute Scale: 0
Attribute Label: TEXTURE1_P
Attribute Definition: Percent of polygon area occupied by the first texture overlay - texture underlay combination.
Attribute Definition Source: Physical Land Classification Methodology, Physical Land Classification (PLC) Conversion Modifications
Attribute Domain Values:
Range Domain:
Range Domain Minimum: 40
Range Domain Maximum: 100
Attribute Units of Measure: percent
Attribute Measurement Resolution: 10 percent
Attribute Alias: TEXTURE1_P
Attribute Type: SmallInteger
Attribute Width: 2
Attribute Precision: 5
Attribute Scale: 0
Attribute Label: TEX_1REL2
Attribute Definition: Relative proportion of components based on texture.
Attribute Definition Source: Physical Land Classification Methodology, Physical Land Classification (PLC) Conversion Modifications
Attribute Alias: TEX_1REL2
Attribute Type: String
Attribute Width: 2
Attribute Precision: 0
Attribute Scale: 0
Attribute Label: FRAG_O2
Attribute Definition: Coarse fragment codes for secondary overlay (O2).
Attribute Definition Source: Physical Land Classification Methodology, Physical Land Classification (PLC) Conversion Modifications, The Canadian System of Soil Classification
Attribute Alias: FRAG_O2
Attribute Type: String
Attribute Width: 2
Attribute Precision: 0
Attribute Scale: 0
Attribute Label: FRAG_O2_D
Attribute Definition: Coarse fragment description for secondary overlay (O2).
Attribute Definition Source: Physical Land Classification Methodology, Physical Land Classification (PLC) Conversion Modifications, The Canadian System of Soil Classification
Attribute Alias: FRAG_O2_D
Attribute Type: String
Attribute Width: 20
Attribute Precision: 0
Attribute Scale: 0
Attribute Label: TEXTURE_O2
Attribute Definition: Soil texture code for secondary overlay (O2).
Attribute Definition Source: Physical Land Classification (PLC) Conversion Modifications, Ecological Land Survey Site Description Manual
Attribute Alias: TEXTURE_O2
Attribute Type: String
Attribute Width: 4
Attribute Precision: 0
Attribute Scale: 0
Attribute Label: TEXTURE_O2_D
Attribute Definition: Soil texture description for secondary overlay (O2).
Attribute Definition Source: Physical Land Classification (PLC) Conversion Modifications, Ecological Land Survey Site Description Manual
Attribute Alias: TEXTURE_O2_D
Attribute Type: String
Attribute Width: 25
Attribute Precision: 0
Attribute Scale: 0
Attribute Label: FRAGTEX_O2_D
Attribute Definition: Combined coarse fragment and texture description for secondary overlay (O2), see FRAGTEX_O1_D values
Attribute Definition Source: Physical Land Classification (PLC) Conversion Modifications, Ecological Land Survey Site Description Manual
Attribute Alias: FRAGTEX_O2_D
Attribute Type: String
Attribute Width: 60
Attribute Precision: 0
Attribute Scale: 0
Attribute Label: FRAG_M2
Attribute Definition: Coarse fragment codes for secondary middle tier (M2).
Attribute Definition Source: Physical Land Classification Methodology, Physical Land Classification (PLC) Conversion Modifications, The Canadian System of Soil Classification
Attribute Alias: FRAG_M2
Attribute Type: String
Attribute Width: 2
Attribute Precision: 0
Attribute Scale: 0
Attribute Label: FRAG_M2_D
Attribute Definition: Coarse fragment description for secondary middle tier (M2).
Attribute Definition Source: Physical Land Classification Methodology, Physical Land Classification (PLC) Conversion Modifications, The Canadian System of Soil Classification
Attribute Alias: FRAG_M2_D
Attribute Type: String
Attribute Width: 20
Attribute Precision: 0
Attribute Scale: 0
Attribute Label: TEXTURE_M2
Attribute Definition: Soil texture code for secondary middle tier (M2).
Attribute Definition Source: Physical Land Classification (PLC) Conversion Modifications, Ecological Land Survey Site Description Manual
Attribute Alias: TEXTURE_M2
Attribute Type: String
Attribute Width: 4
Attribute Precision: 0
Attribute Scale: 0
Attribute Label: TEXTURE_M2_D
Attribute Definition: Soil texture description for secondary middle tier (M2).
Attribute Definition Source: Physical Land Classification (PLC) Conversion Modifications, Ecological Land Survey Site Description Manual
Attribute Alias: TEXTURE_M2_D
Attribute Type: String
Attribute Width: 25
Attribute Precision: 0
Attribute Scale: 0
Attribute Label: FRAGTEX_M2_D
Attribute Definition: Combined coarse fragment and texture description for secondary middle tier (M2), see FRAGTEX_M1_D values
Attribute Definition Source: Physical Land Classification (PLC) Conversion Modifications, Ecological Land Survey Site Description Manual
Attribute Alias: FRAGTEX_M2_D
Attribute Type: String
Attribute Width: 60
Attribute Precision: 0
Attribute Scale: 0
Attribute Label: FRAG_U2
Attribute Definition: Coarse fragment codes for secondary underlay (U2).
Attribute Definition Source: Physical Land Classification Methodology, Physical Land Classification (PLC) Conversion Modifications, The Canadian System of Soil Classification
Attribute Alias: FRAG_U2
Attribute Type: String
Attribute Width: 2
Attribute Precision: 0
Attribute Scale: 0
Attribute Label: FRAG_U2_D
Attribute Definition: Coarse fragment description for secondary underlay (U2).
Attribute Definition Source: Physical Land Classification Methodology, Physical Land Classification (PLC) Conversion Modifications, The Canadian System of Soil Classification
Attribute Alias: FRAG_U2_D
Attribute Type: String
Attribute Width: 20
Attribute Precision: 0
Attribute Scale: 0
Attribute Label: TEXTURE_U2
Attribute Definition: Soil texture code for secondary underlay (U2).
Attribute Definition Source: Physical Land Classification (PLC) Conversion Modifications, Ecological Land Survey Site Description Manual
Attribute Alias: TEXTURE_U2
Attribute Type: String
Attribute Width: 4
Attribute Precision: 0
Attribute Scale: 0
Attribute Label: TEXTURE_U2_D
Attribute Definition: Soil texture description for secondary underlay (U2).
Attribute Definition Source: Physical Land Classification (PLC) Conversion Modifications, Ecological Land Survey Site Description Manual
Attribute Alias: TEXTURE_U2_D
Attribute Type: String
Attribute Width: 25
Attribute Precision: 0
Attribute Scale: 0
Attribute Label: FRAGTEX_U2_D
Attribute Definition: Combined coarse fragment and texture description for secondary underlay (U2), see FRAGTEX_U1_D values
Attribute Definition Source: Physical Land Classification (PLC) Conversion Modifications, Ecological Land Survey Site Description Manual
Attribute Alias: FRAGTEX_U2_D
Attribute Type: String
Attribute Width: 60
Attribute Precision: 0
Attribute Scale: 0
Attribute Label: TEXTURE2_P
Attribute Definition: Percent of polygon area occupied by the second texture overlay - texture underlay combination.
Attribute Definition Source: Physical Land Classification Methodology, Physical Land Classification (PLC) Conversion Modifications
Attribute Domain Values:
Range Domain:
Range Domain Minimum: 0
Range Domain Maximum: 50
Attribute Units of Measure: percent
Attribute Measurement Resolution: 10 percent
Attribute Alias: TEXTURE2_P
Attribute Type: SmallInteger
Attribute Width: 2
Attribute Precision: 5
Attribute Scale: 0
Attribute Label: TEX_2REL3
Attribute Definition: Relative proportion of components based on texture.
Attribute Definition Source: Physical Land Classification Methodology, Physical Land Classification (PLC) Conversion Modifications
Attribute Alias: TEX_2REL3
Attribute Type: String
Attribute Width: 2
Attribute Precision: 0
Attribute Scale: 0
Attribute Label: FRAG_O3
Attribute Definition: Coarse fragment codes for tertiary overlay (O3).
Attribute Definition Source: Physical Land Classification Methodology, Physical Land Classification (PLC) Conversion Modifications, The Canadian System of Soil Classification
Attribute Alias: FRAG_O3
Attribute Type: String
Attribute Width: 2
Attribute Precision: 0
Attribute Scale: 0
Attribute Label: FRAG_O3_D
Attribute Definition: Coarse fragment description for tertiary overlay (O3).
Attribute Definition Source: Physical Land Classification Methodology, Physical Land Classification (PLC) Conversion Modifications, The Canadian System of Soil Classification
Attribute Alias: FRAG_O3_D
Attribute Type: String
Attribute Width: 20
Attribute Precision: 0
Attribute Scale: 0
Attribute Label: TEXTURE_O3
Attribute Definition: Soil texture code for tertiary overlay (O3).
Attribute Definition Source: Physical Land Classification (PLC) Conversion Modifications, Ecological Land Survey Site Description Manual
Attribute Alias: TEXTURE_O3
Attribute Type: String
Attribute Width: 4
Attribute Precision: 0
Attribute Scale: 0
Attribute Label: TEXTURE_O3_D
Attribute Definition: Soil texture description for tertiary overlay (O3).
Attribute Definition Source: Physical Land Classification (PLC) Conversion Modifications, Ecological Land Survey Site Description Manual
Attribute Alias: TEXTURE_O3_D
Attribute Type: String
Attribute Width: 25
Attribute Precision: 0
Attribute Scale: 0
Attribute Label: FRAGTEX_O3_D
Attribute Definition: Combined coarse fragment and texture description for tertiary overlay (O3), see FRAGTEX_O1_D values
Attribute Definition Source: Physical Land Classification (PLC) Conversion Modifications, Ecological Land Survey Site Description Manual
Attribute Alias: FRAGTEX_O3_D
Attribute Type: String
Attribute Width: 60
Attribute Precision: 0
Attribute Scale: 0
Attribute Label: FRAG_M3
Attribute Definition: Coarse fragment codes for tertiary middle tier (M3).
Attribute Definition Source: Physical Land Classification Methodology, Physical Land Classification (PLC) Conversion Modifications, The Canadian System of Soil Classification
Attribute Alias: FRAG_M3
Attribute Type: String
Attribute Width: 2
Attribute Precision: 0
Attribute Scale: 0
Attribute Label: FRAG_M3_D
Attribute Definition: Coarse fragment description for tertiary middle tier (M3).
Attribute Definition Source: Physical Land Classification Methodology, Physical Land Classification (PLC) Conversion Modifications, The Canadian System of Soil Classification
Attribute Alias: FRAG_M3_D
Attribute Type: String
Attribute Width: 20
Attribute Precision: 0
Attribute Scale: 0
Attribute Label: TEXTURE_M3
Attribute Definition: Soil texture code for tertiary middle tier (M3).
Attribute Definition Source: Physical Land Classification (PLC) Conversion Modifications, Ecological Land Survey Site Description Manual
Attribute Alias: TEXTURE_M3
Attribute Type: String
Attribute Width: 4
Attribute Precision: 0
Attribute Scale: 0
Attribute Label: TEXTURE_M3_D
Attribute Definition: Soil texture description for tertiary middle tier (M3).
Attribute Definition Source: Physical Land Classification (PLC) Conversion Modifications, Ecological Land Survey Site Description Manual
Attribute Alias: TEXTURE_M3_D
Attribute Type: String
Attribute Width: 25
Attribute Precision: 0
Attribute Scale: 0
Attribute Label: FRAGTEX_M3_D
Attribute Definition: Combined coarse fragment and texture description for tertiary middle tier (M3), see FRAGTEX_M1_D values
Attribute Definition Source: Physical Land Classification (PLC) Conversion Modifications, Ecological Land Survey Site Description Manual
Attribute Alias: FRAGTEX_M3_D
Attribute Type: String
Attribute Width: 60
Attribute Precision: 0
Attribute Scale: 0
Attribute Label: FRAG_U3
Attribute Definition: Coarse fragment codes for tertiary underlay (U3).
Attribute Definition Source: Physical Land Classification Methodology, Physical Land Classification (PLC) Conversion Modifications, The Canadian System of Soil Classification
Attribute Alias: FRAG_U3
Attribute Type: String
Attribute Width: 2
Attribute Precision: 0
Attribute Scale: 0
Attribute Label: FRAG_U3_D
Attribute Definition: Coarse fragment description for tertiary underlay (U3).
Attribute Definition Source: Physical Land Classification Methodology, Physical Land Classification (PLC) Conversion Modifications, The Canadian System of Soil Classification
Attribute Alias: FRAG_U3_D
Attribute Type: String
Attribute Width: 20
Attribute Precision: 0
Attribute Scale: 0
Attribute Label: TEXTURE_U3
Attribute Definition: Soil texture code for tertiary underlay (U3).
Attribute Definition Source: Physical Land Classification (PLC) Conversion Modifications, Ecological Land Survey Site Description Manual
Attribute Alias: TEXTURE_U3
Attribute Type: String
Attribute Width: 4
Attribute Precision: 0
Attribute Scale: 0
Attribute Label: TEXTURE_U3_D
Attribute Definition: Soil texture description for tertiary underlay (U3).
Attribute Definition Source: Physical Land Classification (PLC) Conversion Modifications, Ecological Land Survey Site Description Manual
Attribute Alias: TEXTURE_U3_D
Attribute Type: String
Attribute Width: 25
Attribute Precision: 0
Attribute Scale: 0
Attribute Label: FRAGTEX_U3_D
Attribute Definition: Combined coarse fragment and texture description for tertiary underlay (U3), see FRAGTEX_U1_D values
Attribute Definition Source: Physical Land Classification (PLC) Conversion Modifications, Ecological Land Survey Site Description Manual
Attribute Alias: FRAGTEX_U3_D
Attribute Type: String
Attribute Width: 60
Attribute Precision: 0
Attribute Scale: 0
Attribute Label: TEXTURE3_P
Attribute Definition: Percent of polygon area occupied by the third texture overlay - texture underlay combination.
Attribute Definition Source: Physical Land Classification (PLC) Conversion Modifications
Attribute Domain Values:
Range Domain:
Range Domain Minimum: 0
Range Domain Maximum: 30
Attribute Units of Measure: percent
Attribute Measurement Resolution: 10 percent
Attribute Alias: TEXTURE3_P
Attribute Type: SmallInteger
Attribute Width: 2
Attribute Precision: 5
Attribute Scale: 0
Attribute Label: ORIG_SA
Attribute Definition: Slope and aspect code from the original map.
Attribute Definition Source: Physical Land Classification Methodology, Physical Land Classification (PLC) Conversion Modifications
Attribute Alias: ORIG_SA
Attribute Type: String
Attribute Width: 10
Attribute Precision: 0
Attribute Scale: 0
Attribute Label: SLOPE1_CLS
Attribute Definition: Primary slope class code. Complex slopes are coded from 1 to 10, whereas simple slopes are coded from A to J.
Attribute Definition Source: Physical Land Classification Methodology, Physical Land Classification (PLC) Conversion Modifications, The Canadian System of Soil Classification, Ecological Land Survey Site Description Manual
Attribute Domain Values:
Enumerated Domain:
Enumerated Domain Value: '1','A'
Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Level (0-0.5 %)
Enumerated Domain:
Enumerated Domain Value: '2','B'
Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Nearly level (0.5-2.5 %)
Enumerated Domain:
Enumerated Domain Value: '3','C'
Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Very gentle slopes (2-5 %)
Enumerated Domain:
Enumerated Domain Value: '4','D'
Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Gentle slopes (6-9 %)
Enumerated Domain:
Enumerated Domain Value: '5','E'
Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Moderate slopes (10-15 %)
Enumerated Domain:
Enumerated Domain Value: '6','F'
Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Strong slopes (16-30 %)
Enumerated Domain:
Enumerated Domain Value: '7','G'
Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Very strong slopes (31-45 %)
Enumerated Domain:
Enumerated Domain Value: '8','H'
Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Extreme slopes (46-70 %)
Enumerated Domain:
Enumerated Domain Value: '9','I'
Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Steep slopes (71-100%)
Enumerated Domain:
Enumerated Domain Value: '10','J'
Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Very steep slopes (100% and up)
Attribute Alias: SLOPE1_CLS
Attribute Type: String
Attribute Width: 2
Attribute Precision: 0
Attribute Scale: 0
Attribute Label: SLOPE1_FORM
Attribute Definition: Slope complexity of primary slope class.
Attribute Definition Source: Physical Land Classification Methodology, Physical Land Classification (PLC) Conversion Modifications, The Canadian System of Soil Classification, Ecological Land Survey Site Description Manual
Attribute Domain Values:
Enumerated Domain:
Enumerated Domain Value: S
Enumerated Domain Value Definition: simple
Enumerated Domain:
Enumerated Domain Value: C
Enumerated Domain Value Definition: complex
Attribute Alias: SLOPE1_FORM
Attribute Type: String
Attribute Width: 7
Attribute Precision: 0
Attribute Scale: 0
Attribute Label: SLOPE1_MIN
Attribute Definition: Lower limit of primary slope class (in percent).
Attribute Definition Source: Physical Land Classification Methodology, Physical Land Classification (PLC) Conversion Modifications, The Canadian System of Soil Classification, Ecological Land Survey Site Description Manual
Attribute Domain Values:
Range Domain:
Range Domain Minimum: 0
Range Domain Maximum: 999
Attribute Units of Measure: percent
Attribute Alias: SLOPE1_MIN
Attribute Type: Double
Attribute Width: 8
Attribute Precision: 38
Attribute Scale: 8
Attribute Label: SLOPE1_MAX
Attribute Definition: Upper limit of primary slope class (in percent).
Attribute Definition Source: Physical Land Classification Methodology, Physical Land Classification (PLC) Conversion Modifications, The Canadian System of Soil Classification, Ecological Land Survey Site Description Manual
Attribute Domain Values:
Range Domain:
Range Domain Minimum: 0
Range Domain Maximum: 999
Attribute Units of Measure: percent
Attribute Alias: SLOPE1_MAX
Attribute Type: Double
Attribute Width: 8
Attribute Precision: 38
Attribute Scale: 8
Attribute Label: SLOPE1_D
Attribute Definition: Primary slope class description.
Attribute Definition Source: Physical Land Classification Methodology, Physical Land Classification (PLC) Conversion Modifications, The Canadian System of Soil Classification, Ecological Land Survey Site Description Manual
Attribute Domain Values:
Enumerated Domain:
Enumerated Domain Value: Level (0-0.5 %)
Enumerated Domain:
Enumerated Domain Value: Nearly level (0.5-2.5 %)
Enumerated Domain:
Enumerated Domain Value: Very gentle slopes (2-5 %)
Enumerated Domain:
Enumerated Domain Value: Gentle slopes (6-9 %)
Enumerated Domain:
Enumerated Domain Value: Moderate slopes (10-15 %)
Enumerated Domain:
Enumerated Domain Value: Strong slopes (16-30 %)
Enumerated Domain:
Enumerated Domain Value: Very strong slopes (31-45 %)
Enumerated Domain:
Enumerated Domain Value: Extreme slopes (46-70 %)
Enumerated Domain:
Enumerated Domain Value: Steep slopes (71-100%)
Enumerated Domain:
Enumerated Domain Value: Very steep slopes (100% and up)
Attribute Alias: SLOPE1_D
Attribute Type: String
Attribute Width: 40
Attribute Precision: 0
Attribute Scale: 0
Attribute Label: SLOPE1_P
Attribute Definition: Percent of polygon area occupied by the first slope class.
Attribute Definition Source: Physical Land Classification Methodology, Physical Land Classification (PLC) Conversion Modifications
Attribute Domain Values:
Range Domain:
Range Domain Minimum: 40
Range Domain Maximum: 100
Attribute Units of Measure: percent
Attribute Measurement Resolution: 10 percent
Attribute Alias: SLOPE1_P
Attribute Type: SmallInteger
Attribute Width: 2
Attribute Precision: 5
Attribute Scale: 0
Attribute Label: SL_1REL2
Attribute Definition: Relative proportion of components based on slope. Symbol indicates the relative proportion of primary, secondary and tertiary slope class components.
Attribute Definition Source: Physical Land Classification Methodology, Physical Land Classification (PLC) Conversion Modifications
Attribute Alias: SL_1REL2
Attribute Type: String
Attribute Width: 2
Attribute Precision: 0
Attribute Scale: 0
Attribute Label: SLOPE2_CLS
Attribute Definition: Secondary slope class code. Complex slopes are coded from 1 to 10, whereas simple slopes are coded from A to J.
Attribute Definition Source: Physical Land Classification Methodology, Physical Land Classification (PLC) Conversion Modifications, The Canadian System of Soil Classification, Ecological Land Survey Site Description Manual, see SLOPE1_CLS values
Attribute Alias: SLOPE2_CLS
Attribute Type: String
Attribute Width: 2
Attribute Precision: 0
Attribute Scale: 0
Attribute Label: SLOPE2_FORM
Attribute Definition: Slope complexity of secondary slope class.
Attribute Definition Source: Physical Land Classification Methodology, Physical Land Classification (PLC) Conversion Modifications, The Canadian System of Soil Classification, Ecological Land Survey Site Description Manual, see SLOPE1_FORM values
Attribute Alias: SLOPE2_FORM
Attribute Type: String
Attribute Width: 7
Attribute Precision: 0
Attribute Scale: 0
Attribute Label: SLOPE2_MIN
Attribute Definition: Lower limit of secondary slope class (in percent).
Attribute Definition Source: Physical Land Classification Methodology, Physical Land Classification (PLC) Conversion Modifications, The Canadian System of Soil Classification, Ecological Land Survey Site Description Manual, see SLOPE1_MIN values
Attribute Alias: SLOPE2_MIN
Attribute Type: Double
Attribute Width: 8
Attribute Precision: 38
Attribute Scale: 8
Attribute Label: SLOPE2_MAX
Attribute Definition: Upper limit of secondary slope class (in percent).
Attribute Definition Source: Physical Land Classification Methodology, Physical Land Classification (PLC) Conversion Modifications, The Canadian System of Soil Classification, Ecological Land Survey Site Description Manual, see SLOPE1_MAX values
Attribute Alias: SLOPE2_MAX
Attribute Type: Double
Attribute Width: 8
Attribute Precision: 38
Attribute Scale: 8
Attribute Label: SLOPE2_D
Attribute Definition: Secondary slope class description
Attribute Definition Source: Physical Land Classification Methodology, Physical Land Classification (PLC) Conversion Modifications, The Canadian System of Soil Classification, Ecological Land Survey Site Description Manual, see SLOPE1_D values
Attribute Alias: SLOPE2_D
Attribute Type: String
Attribute Width: 40
Attribute Precision: 0
Attribute Scale: 0
Attribute Label: SLOPE2_P
Attribute Definition: Percent of polygon area occupied by the second slope class.
Attribute Definition Source: Physical Land Classification Methodology, Physical Land Classification (PLC) Conversion Modifications
Attribute Domain Values:
Range Domain:
Range Domain Minimum: 0
Range Domain Maximum: 50
Attribute Units of Measure: percent
Attribute Measurement Resolution: 10 percent
Attribute Alias: SLOPE2_P
Attribute Type: SmallInteger
Attribute Width: 2
Attribute Precision: 5
Attribute Scale: 0
Attribute Label: SL_2REL3
Attribute Definition: Relative proportion of components based on slope. Symbol indicates the relative proportion of primary, secondary and tertiary slope class components
Attribute Definition Source: Physical Land Classification Methodology, Physical Land Classification (PLC) Conversion Modifications
Attribute Alias: SL_2REL3
Attribute Type: String
Attribute Width: 2
Attribute Precision: 0
Attribute Scale: 0
Attribute Label: SLOPE3_CLS
Attribute Definition: Tertiary slope class code. Complex slopes are coded from 1 to 10, whereas simple slopes are coded from A to J.
Attribute Definition Source: Physical Land Classification Methodology, Physical Land Classification (PLC) Conversion Modifications, The Canadian System of Soil Classification, Ecological Land Survey Site Description Manual, see SLOPE1_CLS values
Attribute Alias: SLOPE3_CLS
Attribute Type: String
Attribute Width: 2
Attribute Precision: 0
Attribute Scale: 0
Attribute Label: SLOPE3_FORM
Attribute Definition: Slope complexity of tertiary slope class.
Attribute Definition Source: Physical Land Classification Methodology, Physical Land Classification (PLC) Conversion Modifications, The Canadian System of Soil Classification, Ecological Land Survey Site Description Manual, see SLOPE1_FORM values
Attribute Alias: SLOPE3_FORM
Attribute Type: String
Attribute Width: 7
Attribute Precision: 0
Attribute Scale: 0
Attribute Label: SLOPE3_MIN
Attribute Definition: Lower limit of tertiary slope class (in percent).
Attribute Definition Source: Physical Land Classification Methodology, Physical Land Classification (PLC) Conversion Modifications, The Canadian System of Soil Classification, Ecological Land Survey Site Description Manual, see SLOPE1_MIN values
Attribute Alias: SLOPE3_MIN
Attribute Type: Double
Attribute Width: 8
Attribute Precision: 38
Attribute Scale: 8
Attribute Label: SLOPE3_MAX
Attribute Definition: Upper limit of tertiary slope class (in percent).
Attribute Definition Source: Physical Land Classification Methodology, Physical Land Classification (PLC) Conversion Modifications, The Canadian System of Soil Classification, Ecological Land Survey Site Description Manual, see SLOPE1_MAX values
Attribute Alias: SLOPE3_MAX
Attribute Type: Double
Attribute Width: 8
Attribute Precision: 38
Attribute Scale: 8
Attribute Label: SLOPE3_D
Attribute Definition: Tertiary slope class description
Attribute Definition Source: Physical Land Classification Methodology, Physical Land Classification (PLC) Conversion Modifications, The Canadian System of Soil Classification, Ecological Land Survey Site Description Manual, see SLOPE1_D values
Attribute Alias: SLOPE3_D
Attribute Type: String
Attribute Width: 40
Attribute Precision: 0
Attribute Scale: 0
Attribute Label: SLOPE3_P
Attribute Definition: Percent of polygon area occupied by the third slope class.
Attribute Definition Source: Physical Land Classification Methodology, Physical Land Classification (PLC) Conversion Modifications
Attribute Domain Values:
Range Domain:
Range Domain Minimum: 0
Range Domain Maximum: 30
Attribute Units of Measure: percent
Attribute Measurement Resolution: 10 percent
Attribute Alias: SLOPE3_P
Attribute Type: SmallInteger
Attribute Width: 2
Attribute Precision: 5
Attribute Scale: 0
Attribute Label: ASPECT1
Attribute Definition: Primary slope aspect code. Slope aspect is assigned when slope complexity is minimal (i.e. simple unidirectional slopes).
Attribute Definition Source: Informatics Branch, 2011
Attribute Domain Values:
Enumerated Domain:
Enumerated Domain Value: E
Enumerated Domain Value Definition: East
Enumerated Domain:
Enumerated Domain Value: N
Enumerated Domain Value Definition: North
Enumerated Domain:
Enumerated Domain Value: NE
Enumerated Domain Value Definition: North-east
Enumerated Domain:
Enumerated Domain Value: NW
Enumerated Domain Value Definition: North-west
Enumerated Domain:
Enumerated Domain Value: W
Enumerated Domain Value Definition: West
Enumerated Domain:
Enumerated Domain Value: S
Enumerated Domain Value Definition: South
Enumerated Domain:
Enumerated Domain Value: SE
Enumerated Domain Value Definition: South-east
Enumerated Domain:
Enumerated Domain Value: SW
Enumerated Domain Value Definition: South-west
Enumerated Domain:
Enumerated Domain Value: L
Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Level
Attribute Alias: ASPECT1
Attribute Type: String
Attribute Width: 2
Attribute Precision: 0
Attribute Scale: 0
Attribute Label: ASPECT1_D
Attribute Definition: Primary slope aspect. Slope aspect is assigned when slope complexity is minimal (i.e. simple unidirectional slopes).
Attribute Definition Source: Informatics Branch, 2011
Attribute Domain Values:
Enumerated Domain:
Enumerated Domain Value: East
Enumerated Domain:
Enumerated Domain Value: Level
Enumerated Domain:
Enumerated Domain Value: North
Enumerated Domain:
Enumerated Domain Value: North-east
Enumerated Domain:
Enumerated Domain Value: North-west
Enumerated Domain:
Enumerated Domain Value: South
Enumerated Domain:
Enumerated Domain Value: South-east
Enumerated Domain:
Enumerated Domain Value: South-west
Enumerated Domain:
Enumerated Domain Value: West
Attribute Alias: ASPECT1_D
Attribute Type: String
Attribute Width: 20
Attribute Precision: 0
Attribute Scale: 0
Attribute Label: ASPECT1_P
Attribute Definition: Percent of polygon area occupied by the first slope aspect.
Attribute Definition Source: Physical Land Classification Methodology, Physical Land Classification (PLC) Conversion Modifications
Attribute Domain Values:
Range Domain:
Range Domain Minimum: 40
Range Domain Maximum: 100
Attribute Units of Measure: percent
Attribute Measurement Resolution: 10 percent
Attribute Alias: ASPECT1_P
Attribute Type: SmallInteger
Attribute Width: 2
Attribute Precision: 5
Attribute Scale: 0
Attribute Label: ASP_1REL2
Attribute Definition: Relative proportion of components based on aspect. Symbol indicates the relative proportion of primary and secondary slope aspects.
Attribute Definition Source: Physical Land Classification Methodology, Physical Land Classification (PLC) Conversion Modifications
Attribute Alias: ASP_1REL2
Attribute Type: String
Attribute Width: 2
Attribute Precision: 0
Attribute Scale: 0
Attribute Label: ASPECT2
Attribute Definition: Secondary slope aspect code. Slope aspect is assigned when slope complexity is minimal (i.e. simple unidirectional slopes).
Attribute Definition Source: Informatics Branch, 2011, see ASPECT1 values
Attribute Alias: ASPECT2
Attribute Type: String
Attribute Width: 2
Attribute Precision: 0
Attribute Scale: 0
Attribute Label: ASPECT2_D
Attribute Definition: Secondary slope aspect. Slope aspect is assigned when slope complexity is minimal (i.e. simple unidirectional slopes).
Attribute Definition Source: Informatics Branch, 2011, see ASPECT1_D values
Attribute Alias: ASPECT2_D
Attribute Type: String
Attribute Width: 20
Attribute Precision: 0
Attribute Scale: 0
Attribute Label: ASPECT2_P
Attribute Definition: Percent of polygon area occupied by the second slope aspect.
Attribute Definition Source: Physical Land Classification Methodology, Physical Land Classification (PLC) Conversion Modifications
Attribute Domain Values:
Range Domain:
Range Domain Minimum: 0
Range Domain Maximum: 50
Attribute Units of Measure: percent
Attribute Measurement Resolution: 10 percent
Attribute Alias: ASPECT2_P
Attribute Type: SmallInteger
Attribute Width: 2
Attribute Precision: 5
Attribute Scale: 0
Attribute Label: ASP_2REL3
Attribute Definition: Relative proportion of components based on aspect. Symbol indicates the relative proportion of secondary and tertiary slope aspects.
Attribute Definition Source: Physical Land Classification Methodology, Physical Land Classification (PLC) Conversion Modifications
Attribute Alias: ASP_2REL3
Attribute Type: String
Attribute Width: 2
Attribute Precision: 0
Attribute Scale: 0
Attribute Label: ASPECT3
Attribute Definition: Tertiary slope aspect code. Slope aspect is assigned when slope complexity is minimal (i.e. simple unidirectional slopes).
Attribute Definition Source: Informatics Branch, 2011, see ASPECT1 values
Attribute Alias: ASPECT3
Attribute Type: String
Attribute Width: 2
Attribute Precision: 0
Attribute Scale: 0
Attribute Label: ASPECT3_D
Attribute Definition: Tertiary slope aspect. Slope aspect is assigned when slope complexity is minimal (i.e. simple unidirectional slopes).
Attribute Definition Source: Informatics Branch, 2011, see ASPECT1_D values
Attribute Alias: ASPECT3_D
Attribute Type: String
Attribute Width: 20
Attribute Precision: 0
Attribute Scale: 0
Attribute Label: ASPECT3_P
Attribute Definition: Percent of polygon area occupied by the third slope aspect.
Attribute Definition Source: Physical Land Classification Methodology, Physical Land Classification (PLC) Conversion Modifications
Attribute Domain Values:
Range Domain:
Range Domain Minimum: 0
Range Domain Maximum: 30
Attribute Units of Measure: percent
Attribute Measurement Resolution: 10 percent
Attribute Alias: ASPECT3_P
Attribute Type: SmallInteger
Attribute Width: 2
Attribute Precision: 5
Attribute Scale: 0
Attribute Label: ORIG_SSD
Attribute Definition: Soil taxonomy code and soil drainage code from the original map.
Attribute Definition Source: Physical Land Classification Methodology, Physical Land Classification (PLC) Conversion Modifications
Attribute Alias: ORIG_SSD
Attribute Type: String
Attribute Width: 40
Attribute Precision: 0
Attribute Scale: 0
Attribute Label: SOILTAX1
Attribute Definition: Primary soil taxonomic classification code. Consists of the soil sub-group code followed by a dot (.) and then the great group, except when only the great group code or soil order code is provided.
Attribute Definition Source: Canadian System of Soil Classification
Attribute Alias: SOILTAX1
Attribute Type: String
Attribute Width: 8
Attribute Precision: 0
Attribute Scale: 0
Attribute Label: SOILTAX1_D
Attribute Definition: Primary soil taxonomic classification. Consists of the soil sub-group followed by the great group, except when only the great group or soil order is provided.
Attribute Definition Source: Canadian System of Soil Classification
Attribute Alias: SOILTAX1_D
Attribute Type: String
Attribute Width: 60
Attribute Precision: 0
Attribute Scale: 0
Attribute Label: SOILTAX1_P
Attribute Definition: Percent of polygon area occupied by the first soil taxonomic classification (soil sub-group and great group combination).
Attribute Definition Source: Physical Land Classification Methodology, Physical Land Classification (PLC) Conversion Modifications
Attribute Domain Values:
Range Domain:
Range Domain Minimum: 40
Range Domain Maximum: 100
Attribute Units of Measure: percent
Attribute Measurement Resolution: 10 percent
Attribute Alias: SOILTAX1_P
Attribute Type: SmallInteger
Attribute Width: 2
Attribute Precision: 5
Attribute Scale: 0
Attribute Label: SOIL_SG1
Attribute Definition: Primary soil sub-group code (prefix only): Soil taxonomic classification sub-group code. Primary, secondary and tertiary soil sub-group codes are used in combination with the corresponding great group code.
Attribute Definition Source: Canadian System of Soil Classification
Attribute Alias: SOIL_SG1
Attribute Type: String
Attribute Width: 4
Attribute Precision: 0
Attribute Scale: 0
Attribute Label: SOIL_SG1_D
Attribute Definition: Primary soil sub-group (prefix only): Primary, secondary and tertiary soil sub-groups are used in combination with the corresponding great group.
Attribute Definition Source: Canadian System of Soil Classification
Attribute Alias: SOIL_SG1_D
Attribute Type: String
Attribute Width: 60
Attribute Precision: 0
Attribute Scale: 0
Attribute Label: SOIL_GG1
Attribute Definition: Primary soil great-group code (soil taxonomic classification great-group code).
Attribute Definition Source: Canadian System of Soil Classification
Attribute Alias: SOIL_GG1
Attribute Type: String
Attribute Width: 3
Attribute Precision: 0
Attribute Scale: 0
Attribute Label: SOIL_GG1_D
Attribute Definition: Primary soil great-group name (soil taxonomic classification great-group name).
Attribute Definition Source: Canadian System of Soil Classification
Attribute Alias: SOIL_GG1_D
Attribute Type: String
Attribute Width: 30
Attribute Precision: 0
Attribute Scale: 0
Attribute Label: SOIL_OR1_D
Attribute Definition: Primary soil order: Based on soil great-group component of the corresponding primary, secondary or tertiary soil taxonomic classification.
Attribute Definition Source: Canadian System of Soil Classification
Attribute Alias: SOIL_OR1_D
Attribute Type: String
Attribute Width: 20
Attribute Precision: 0
Attribute Scale: 0
Attribute Label: TAX_1REL2
Attribute Definition: Relative proportion of components based on soil taxonomy.
Attribute Definition Source: Physical Land Classification Methodology, Physical Land Classification (PLC) Conversion Modifications
Attribute Alias: TAX_1REL2
Attribute Type: String
Attribute Width: 2
Attribute Precision: 0
Attribute Scale: 0
Attribute Label: SOILTAX2
Attribute Definition: Secondary soil taxonomic classification code. Consists of the soil sub-group code followed by a dot (.) and then the great group, except when only the great group code or soil order code is provided.
Attribute Definition Source: Canadian System of Soil Classification
Attribute Alias: SOILTAX2
Attribute Type: String
Attribute Width: 8
Attribute Precision: 0
Attribute Scale: 0
Attribute Label: SOILTAX2_D
Attribute Definition: Secondary soil taxonomic classification. Consists of the soil sub-group followed by the great group, except when only the great group or soil order is provided.
Attribute Definition Source: Canadian System of Soil Classification
Attribute Alias: SOILTAX2_D
Attribute Type: String
Attribute Width: 60
Attribute Precision: 0
Attribute Scale: 0
Attribute Label: SOILTAX2_P
Attribute Definition: Percent of polygon area occupied by the second soil taxonomic classification (soil sub-group and great group combination).
Attribute Definition Source: Physical Land Classification Methodology, Physical Land Classification (PLC) Conversion Modifications
Attribute Domain Values:
Range Domain:
Range Domain Minimum: 0
Range Domain Maximum: 50
Attribute Units of Measure: percent
Attribute Measurement Resolution: 10 percent
Attribute Alias: SOILTAX2_P
Attribute Type: SmallInteger
Attribute Width: 2
Attribute Precision: 5
Attribute Scale: 0
Attribute Label: SOIL_SG2
Attribute Definition: Secondary soil sub-group code (prefix only): Soil taxonomic classification sub-group codes. Primary, secondary and tertiary soil sub-group codes are used in combination with the corresponding great group code.
Attribute Definition Source: Canadian System of Soil Classification
Attribute Alias: SOIL_SG2
Attribute Type: String
Attribute Width: 4
Attribute Precision: 0
Attribute Scale: 0
Attribute Label: SOIL_SG2_D
Attribute Definition: Secondary soil sub-group (prefix only): Primary, secondary and tertiary soil sub-group are used in combination with the corresponding great group.
Attribute Definition Source: Canadian System of Soil Classification
Attribute Alias: SOIL_SG2_D
Attribute Type: String
Attribute Width: 60
Attribute Precision: 0
Attribute Scale: 0
Attribute Label: SOIL_GG2
Attribute Definition: Secondary soil great-group codes (soil taxonomic classification great-group code).
Attribute Definition Source: Canadian System of Soil Classification
Attribute Alias: SOIL_GG2
Attribute Type: String
Attribute Width: 3
Attribute Precision: 0
Attribute Scale: 0
Attribute Label: SOIL_GG2_D
Attribute Definition: Secondary soil great-group name (soil taxonomic classification great-group name).
Attribute Definition Source: Canadian System of Soil Classification
Attribute Alias: SOIL_GG2_D
Attribute Type: String
Attribute Width: 30
Attribute Precision: 0
Attribute Scale: 0
Attribute Label: SOIL_OR2_D
Attribute Definition: Secondary soil order: Based on soil great-group component of the corresponding primary, secondary or tertiary soil taxonomic classification.
Attribute Definition Source: Canadian System of Soil Classification
Attribute Alias: SOIL_OR2_D
Attribute Type: String
Attribute Width: 20
Attribute Precision: 0
Attribute Scale: 0
Attribute Label: TAX_2REL3
Attribute Definition: Relative proportion of components based on soil taxonomy.
Attribute Definition Source: Physical Land Classification Methodology, Physical Land Classification (PLC) Conversion Modifications
Attribute Alias: TAX_2REL3
Attribute Type: String
Attribute Width: 2
Attribute Precision: 0
Attribute Scale: 0
Attribute Label: SOILTAX3
Attribute Definition: Tertiary soil taxonomic classification code. Consists of the soil sub-group code followed by a dot (.) and then the great group, except when only the great group code or soil order code is provided.
Attribute Definition Source: Canadian System of Soil Classification
Attribute Alias: SOILTAX3
Attribute Type: String
Attribute Width: 8
Attribute Precision: 0
Attribute Scale: 0
Attribute Label: SOILTAX3_D
Attribute Definition: Tertiary soil taxonomic classification. Consists of the soil sub-group followed by the great group, except when only the great group or soil order is provided.
Attribute Definition Source: Canadian System of Soil Classification
Attribute Alias: SOILTAX3_D
Attribute Type: String
Attribute Width: 60
Attribute Precision: 0
Attribute Scale: 0
Attribute Label: SOILTAX3_P
Attribute Definition: Percent of polygon area occupied by the third soil taxonomic classification (soil sub-group and great group combination).
Attribute Definition Source: Physical Land Classification Methodology, Physical Land Classification (PLC) Conversion Modifications
Attribute Domain Values:
Range Domain:
Range Domain Minimum: 0
Range Domain Maximum: 30
Attribute Units of Measure: percent
Attribute Measurement Resolution: 10 percent
Attribute Alias: SOILTAX3_P
Attribute Type: SmallInteger
Attribute Width: 2
Attribute Precision: 5
Attribute Scale: 0
Attribute Label: SOIL_SG3
Attribute Definition: Tertiary soil sub-group code (prefix only): Soil taxonomic classification sub-group code. Primary, secondary and tertiary soil sub-group codes are used in combination with the corresponding great group code.
Attribute Definition Source: Canadian System of Soil Classification
Attribute Alias: SOIL_SG3
Attribute Type: String
Attribute Width: 4
Attribute Precision: 0
Attribute Scale: 0
Attribute Label: SOIL_SG3_D
Attribute Definition: Tertiary soil sub-group (prefix only): Primary, secondary and tertiary soil sub-groups are used in combination with the corresponding great group.
Attribute Definition Source: Canadian System of Soil Classification
Attribute Alias: SOIL_SG3_D
Attribute Type: String
Attribute Width: 60
Attribute Precision: 0
Attribute Scale: 0
Attribute Label: SOIL_GG3
Attribute Definition: Tertiary soil great-group code (soil taxonomic classification great-group codes).
Attribute Definition Source: Canadian System of Soil Classification
Attribute Alias: SOIL_GG3
Attribute Type: String
Attribute Width: 3
Attribute Precision: 0
Attribute Scale: 0
Attribute Label: SOIL_GG3_D
Attribute Definition: Tertiary soil great-group name (soil taxonomic classification great-group name).
Attribute Definition Source: Canadian System of Soil Classification
Attribute Alias: SOIL_GG3_D
Attribute Type: String
Attribute Width: 30
Attribute Precision: 0
Attribute Scale: 0
Attribute Label: SOIL_OR3_D
Attribute Definition: Tertiary soil order: Based on soil great-group component of the tertiary soil taxonomic classification.
Attribute Definition Source: Canadian System of Soil Classification
Attribute Alias: SOIL_OR3_D
Attribute Type: String
Attribute Width: 20
Attribute Precision: 0
Attribute Scale: 0
Attribute Label: SOILDRN1
Attribute Definition: Primary soil drainage classification code.
Attribute Definition Source: Physical Land Classification (PLC) Conversion Modifications, Physical Land Classification Methodology
Attribute Alias: SOILDRN1
Attribute Type: String
Attribute Width: 1
Attribute Precision: 0
Attribute Scale: 0
Attribute Label: SOILDRN1_D
Attribute Definition: Primary soil drainage classification.
Attribute Definition Source: Physical Land Classification (PLC) Conversion Modifications, Physical Land Classification Methodology
Attribute Alias: SOILDRN1_D
Attribute Type: String
Attribute Width: 25
Attribute Precision: 0
Attribute Scale: 0
Attribute Label: SOILDRN1_P
Attribute Definition: Percent of polygon area occupied by the first soil drainage class.
Attribute Definition Source: Physical Land Classification Methodology, Physical Land Classification (PLC) Conversion Modifications
Attribute Domain Values:
Range Domain:
Range Domain Minimum: 40
Range Domain Maximum: 100
Attribute Units of Measure: percent
Attribute Measurement Resolution: 10 percent
Attribute Alias: SOILDRN1_P
Attribute Type: SmallInteger
Attribute Width: 2
Attribute Precision: 5
Attribute Scale: 0
Attribute Label: DRN_1REL2
Attribute Definition: Relative proportion of components based on soil drainage. Symbol indicates the relative proportion of primary and secondary soil drainage classes.
Attribute Definition Source: Physical Land Classification Methodology, Physical Land Classification (PLC) Conversion Modifications
Attribute Alias: DRN_1REL2
Attribute Type: String
Attribute Width: 2
Attribute Precision: 0
Attribute Scale: 0
Attribute Label: SOILDRN2
Attribute Definition: Secondary soil drainage classification code.
Attribute Definition Source: Physical Land Classification (PLC) Conversion Modifications, Physical Land Classification Methodology
Attribute Alias: SOILDRN2
Attribute Type: String
Attribute Width: 1
Attribute Precision: 0
Attribute Scale: 0
Attribute Label: SOILDRN2_D
Attribute Definition: Secondary soil drainage classification.
Attribute Definition Source: Physical Land Classification (PLC) Conversion Modifications, Physical Land Classification Methodology
Attribute Alias: SOILDRN2_D
Attribute Type: String
Attribute Width: 25
Attribute Precision: 0
Attribute Scale: 0
Attribute Label: SOILDRN2_P
Attribute Definition: Percent of polygon area occupied by the second soil drainage class.
Attribute Definition Source: Physical Land Classification Methodology, Physical Land Classification (PLC) Conversion Modifications
Attribute Domain Values:
Range Domain:
Range Domain Minimum: 0
Range Domain Maximum: 50
Attribute Units of Measure: percent
Attribute Measurement Resolution: 10 percent
Attribute Alias: SOILDRN2_P
Attribute Type: SmallInteger
Attribute Width: 2
Attribute Precision: 5
Attribute Scale: 0
Attribute Label: DRN_2REL3
Attribute Definition: Relative proportion of components based on soil drainage. Symbol indicates the relative proportion of secondary and tertiary soil drainage classes.
Attribute Definition Source: Physical Land Classification Methodology, Physical Land Classification (PLC) Conversion Modifications
Attribute Alias: DRN_2REL3
Attribute Type: String
Attribute Width: 2
Attribute Precision: 0
Attribute Scale: 0
Attribute Label: SOILDRN3
Attribute Definition: Tertiary soil drainage classification code.
Attribute Definition Source: Physical Land Classification (PLC) Conversion Modifications, Physical Land Classification Methodology
Attribute Alias: SOILDRN3
Attribute Type: String
Attribute Width: 1
Attribute Precision: 0
Attribute Scale: 0
Attribute Label: SOILDRN3_D
Attribute Definition: Tertiary soil drainage classification.
Attribute Definition Source: Physical Land Classification (PLC) Conversion Modifications, Physical Land Classification Methodology
Attribute Alias: SOILDRN3_D
Attribute Type: String
Attribute Width: 25
Attribute Precision: 0
Attribute Scale: 0
Attribute Label: SOILDRN3_P
Attribute Definition: Percent of polygon area occupied by the second soil drainage class.
Attribute Definition Source: Physical Land Classification Methodology, Physical Land Classification (PLC) Conversion Modifications
Attribute Domain Values:
Range Domain:
Range Domain Minimum: 0
Range Domain Maximum: 30
Attribute Units of Measure: percent
Attribute Measurement Resolution: 10 percent
Attribute Alias: SOILDRN3_P
Attribute Type: SmallInteger
Attribute Width: 2
Attribute Precision: 5
Attribute Scale: 0
Attribute Label: AUDIT_
Attribute Alias: AUDIT_
Attribute Type: String
Attribute Width: 160
Attribute Precision: 0
Attribute Scale: 0
Attribute Label: ERROR_OUTPUT
Attribute Definition: Issues identified during automated conversion of ORIG_GCSE, ORIG_T, ORIG_SA and ORIG_SSD.
Attribute Definition Source: Physical Land Classification (PLC) Conversion Modifications
Attribute Domain Values:
Enumerated Domain:
Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Free text
Attribute Alias: ERROR_OUTPUT
Attribute Type: String
Attribute Width: 160
Attribute Precision: 0
Attribute Scale: 0
Attribute Label: ISL_FLAG
Attribute Definition: Flag identifying islands in lakes.
Attribute Definition Source: Physical Land Classification (PLC) Conversion Modifications
Attribute Domain Values:
Enumerated Domain:
Enumerated Domain Value: 'ISL'
Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Island
Attribute Alias: ISL_FLAG
Attribute Type: String
Attribute Width: 3
Attribute Precision: 0
Attribute Scale: 0
Attribute Label: NO_LBL
Attribute Definition: Flag identifying polygons that had no label.
Attribute Definition Source: Physical Land Classification (PLC) Conversion Modifications
Attribute Domain Values:
Enumerated Domain:
Enumerated Domain Value: No Label
Enumerated Domain Value Definition: No polygon map symbol on the original map.
Attribute Alias: NO_LBL
Attribute Type: String
Attribute Width: 8
Attribute Precision: 0
Attribute Scale: 0
Attribute Label: CODEPROB
Attribute Definition: Code problem
Attribute Definition Source: Physical Land Classification (PLC) Conversion Modifications
Attribute Domain Values:
Enumerated Domain:
Enumerated Domain Value: 1
Enumerated Domain Value Definition: More than 1 layer
Enumerated Domain:
Enumerated Domain Value: 2
Enumerated Domain Value Definition: incorrect code on mapsheet
Enumerated Domain:
Enumerated Domain Value: 3
Enumerated Domain Value Definition: labels not consistent across tile boundary
Enumerated Domain:
Enumerated Domain Value: 4
Enumerated Domain Value Definition: no slope
Enumerated Domain:
Enumerated Domain Value: 5
Enumerated Domain Value Definition: 2 labels
Enumerated Domain:
Enumerated Domain Value: 6
Enumerated Domain Value Definition: no line to match
Enumerated Domain:
Enumerated Domain Value: 7
Enumerated Domain Value Definition: illegal code on mapsheet
Enumerated Domain:
Enumerated Domain Value: X
Enumerated Domain Value Definition: unspecified parent material issue
Enumerated Domain:
Enumerated Domain Value: m
Enumerated Domain Value Definition: undifferentiated parent material
Enumerated Domain:
Enumerated Domain Value: s
Enumerated Domain Value Definition: missing or incomplete soil taxonomy
Enumerated Domain:
Enumerated Domain Value: t
Enumerated Domain Value Definition: undifferentiated texture or texture parent material mismatch
Enumerated Domain:
Enumerated Domain Value: o
Enumerated Domain Value Definition: undifferentiated organics, includes missing or incomplete soil taxonomy and/or missing texture description (fibric, mesic, humic)
Attribute Alias: CODEPROB
Attribute Type: String
Attribute Width: 2
Attribute Precision: 0
Attribute Scale: 0
Attribute Label: COMMENTS
Attribute Definition: Comments
Attribute Definition Source: Physical Land Classification (PLC) Conversion Modifications
Attribute Domain Values:
Enumerated Domain:
Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Free text
Attribute Alias: COMMENTS
Attribute Type: String
Attribute Width: 30
Attribute Precision: 0
Attribute Scale: 0
Attribute Label: AREA_SQKM_TTM
Attribute Definition: Polygon area in square kilometres calculated in Ten Degrees Transverse Mercator (500 000 metre false easting) North American Datum 1983 Canadian National Transformation.
Attribute Definition Source: Informatics Branch, 2011
Attribute Alias: AREA_SQKM_TTM
Attribute Type: Double
Attribute Width: 8
Attribute Precision: 38
Attribute Scale: 8
Attribute Label: PERIMETER_KM_TTM
Attribute Definition: Polygon perimeter in kilometres calculated in Ten Degrees Transverse Mercator (500 000 metre false easting) North American Datum 1983 Canadian National Transformation.
Attribute Definition Source: Informatics Branch, 2011
Attribute Alias: PERIMETER_KM_TTM
Attribute Type: Double
Attribute Width: 8
Attribute Precision: 38
Attribute Scale: 8
Attribute Definition: Physiographic regions are delineated based on elevation, relief, and structural geologic features. They are mapped at a scale of 1:1,000,000 to 1:3,000,000. Physiographic regions are known as "Sections" (Level 2) in the PLC methodology.
Attribute Definition Source: PLC reports and Physiographic Subdivisions of Alberta
Attribute Alias: PLC_SECTION
Attribute Type: String
Attribute Width: 255
Attribute Precision: 0
Attribute Scale: 0
Attribute Definition: Physiographic subregions are delineated based on definite patterns of relief, geology, and geomorphology. They are mapped at a scale of 1:500,000 to 1:1,000,000. Physiographic subregions are known as "Districts" (Level 3) in the PLC methodology.
Attribute Definition Source: PLC reports and Physiographic Subdivisions of Alberta
Attribute Alias: PLC_DISTRICT
Attribute Type: String
Attribute Width: 255
Attribute Precision: 0
Attribute Scale: 0
Attribute Label: GLOBALID
Attribute Alias: GLOBALID
Attribute Type: GlobalID
Attribute Width: 38
Attribute Precision: 0
Attribute Scale: 0
Attribute Definition: Global unique identifier
Attribute Definition Source: ESRI
Attribute Label: Shape.STArea()
Attribute Alias: Shape.STArea()
Attribute Type: Double
Attribute Width: 0
Attribute Precision: 0
Attribute Scale: 0
Attribute Definition: Area in dataset native units squared
Attribute Definition Source: ESRI
Attribute Label: Shape.STLength()
Attribute Alias: Shape.STLength()
Attribute Type: Double
Attribute Width: 0
Attribute Precision: 0
Attribute Scale: 0
Attribute Definition: Perimeter in dataset native units
Attribute Definition Source: ESRI
Distribution Information:
Contact Information:
Contact Organization Primary:
Contact Organization: Alberta Environment and Parks, Government of Alberta
Contact Position: Data Distribution Unit, Informatics Branch, Corporate Services Division
Contact Address:
Address Type: mailing and physical address
Address: 14th floor, Oxbridge Place
Address: 9820 - 106 Street NW
City: Edmonton
State or Province: Alberta
Postal Code: T5K 2J6
Country: Canada
Contact Voice Telephone: 7804277374
Contact Electronic Mail Address:
Hours: 08:15 to 16:30 Monday to Friday
Contact Instructions: For any issues encountered with downloading this product from the FTP site, please contact the Distributor Contact via the Email address or telephone number.
Resource Description: Downloadable Data
Distribution Liability: Under the terms of the Open Government Licence - Alberta, the Information is licensed as is, and the Information Provider excludes all representations, warranties, obligations, and liabilities, whether express or implied, to the maximum extent permitted by law. The Information Provider is not liable for any errors or omissions in the Information, and will not under any circumstances be liable for any direct, indirect, special, incidental, consequential, or other loss, injury or damage caused by its use or otherwise arising in connection with this licence or the Information, even if specifically advised of the possibility of such loss, injury or damage.
Standard Order Process:
Fees: This product is fee free under the Open Government Licence - Alberta
Turnaround: Direct download
Digital Form:
Digital Transfer Information:
Format Name: ESRI Shapefile
Format Specification: ESRI Shapefile
File Decompression Technique: File compression technology shall be utilized when required
Digital Transfer Option:
Online Option:
Access Instructions: For any issues encountered with downloading this product from the FTP site, please contact the Distributor Contact via the Email address or telephone number.
Digital Form:
Digital Transfer Information:
Format Name: ESRI File Geodatabase
Format Specification: ESRI File Geodatabase
File Decompression Technique: File compression technology shall be utilized when required
Digital Transfer Option:
Online Option:
Access Instructions: For any issues encountered with downloading this product from the FTP site, please contact the Distributor Contact via the Email address or telephone number.
Technical Prerequisites: To utilize digital information, specialized graphics or GIS software (i.e. ArcInfo, ArcView, ArcGIS, or MicroStation) may be required.
Available Time Period:
Time Period Information:
Single Date/Time:
Calendar Date: Monday to Sunday
Time of Day: 24 hours
Metadata Reference Information:
Metadata Date: 20180108
Metadata Contact:
Contact Information:
Contact Organization Primary:
Contact Organization: Alberta Environment and Parks, Government of Alberta
Contact Position: Information and Data Provisioning Services, Informatics Branch, Corporate Services Division
Contact Address:
Address Type: mailing and physical address
Address: 14th floor, Oxbridge Place
Address: 9820 - 106 Street NW
City: Edmonton
State or Province: Alberta
Postal Code: T5K 2J6
Country: Canada
Contact Voice Telephone: 7804225117
Contact Facsimile Telephone: 7804220712
Contact Electronic Mail Address:
Hours: 08:15 to 16:30 Monday to Friday
Contact Instructions: This is the point of contact regarding the creation of, and characteristics of, metadata for the data set. Queries about the creation and/or characteristics of the metadata submitted through facsimile or electronic mail must include the salutation "Attention: Informatics Branch, Corporate Services Division; Dataset: Physical Land Classifications (PLCs)". For Distribution Information contact instructions, refer to the Distribution Information section of this metadata record.
Metadata Standard Name: FGDC Content Standards for Digital Geospatial Metadata
Metadata Standard Version: FGDC-STD-001-1998
Metadata Time Convention: local time
Language of Metadata: en

ESRI Metadata

Modification Date: 20180227
Modification Time: 16293600
Creation Date: 20171019
Creation Time: 15543100
Synchronize Once: FALSE
Synchronization Date: 20171212
Synchronization Time: 16354700
Published Document ID: {BD16B453-A03E-4A41-940F-A87DBF97ED37}