Abstract: This GIS dataset depicts the surficial geology of the Grand Rapids area (NTS 84A/SE) (discontinuous permafrost features). The data were created in geodatabase format and output for public distribution in shapefile format. These data comprise the permafrost polygon features of Alberta Geological Survey Map 566, Surficial Geology of the Grand Rapids Area (NTS 84A/SE).
  File identifier: 
      eng; CAN
  Character set: 
    Character set code: 
  Hierarchy level: 
    Scope code: 
  Metadata author: 
    Responsible party: 
      Organisation name: 
          Alberta Geological Survey
      Position name: 
          AGS Information Manager
      Contact info: 
                  (780) 638-4491
                  (780) 422-1918
              Delivery point: 
                  Alberta Energy Regulator
              Delivery point: 
                  4th Floor, Twin Atria Building
              Delivery point: 
                  4999-98 Avenue NW
              Administrative area: 
              Postal code: 
                  T6B 2X3
              Electronic mail address: 
          Hours of service: 
              8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. and 1:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
        Role code: 
  Date stamp: 

  Metadata standard name: 
      North American Profile of ISO 19115:2003 - Geographic information - Metadata (NAP-Metadata)
  Metadata standard version: 
      ISO 19115-1.1
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Spatial representation info:

Vector spatial representation: Geometric objects: Geometric objects: Geometric object type: Geometric object type code: complex Geometric object count: 477
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Spatial representation info:

Grid spatial representation: Number of dimensions: 2 Axis Dimension Properties: Dimension: Dimension name: Dimension name type code: column Dimension size: unknown Resolution: uom: decimalDegrees 0.000000 Axis Dimension Properties: Dimension: Dimension name: Dimension name type code: row Dimension size: unknown Resolution: uom: decimalDegrees 0.000000 Cell geometry: Cell geometry code: Transformation parameter availability: false
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Reference system info:

Reference system:
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Reference system info:

Reference system: Reference system identifier: RS Identifier: Code: EPSG:4269 Code Space: http://www.epsg-registry.org/ Version: 8.4.1
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Reference system info:

xlink: https://www.ngdc.noaa.gov/docucomp/65f8b220-95ed-11e0-aa80-0800200c9a66 title: North American Datum 1983
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Reference system info:

xlink: https://www.ngdc.noaa.gov/docucomp/c3895520-95ed-11e0-aa80-0800200c9a66 title: Geodetic Reference System 1980
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Identification info:

Data identification: Citation: Citation: Title: Surficial Geology of the Grand Rapids Area (NTS 84A/SE) (GIS data, permafrost polygon features) Date: Date: Date: 2013-12-19 Date type: Date type code: publication Cited responsible party: Responsible party: Organisation name: Alberta Energy Regulator Role: Role code: originator Cited responsible party: Responsible party: Organisation name: Alberta Geological Survey Role: Role code: originator Cited responsible party: Responsible party: Organisation name: Pawley, S.M. Role: Role code: originator Cited responsible party: Responsible party: Organisation name: Alberta Geological Survey, Alberta Energy Regulator Contact info: Contact: Address: Address: City: Edmonton Administrative area: Alberta, Canada Role: Role code: publisher Presentation form: Presentation form code: mapDigital Series: Series: Name: Digital Data Issue identification: DIG 2013-0034 Abstract: This GIS dataset depicts the surficial geology of the Grand Rapids area (NTS 84A/SE) (discontinuous permafrost features). The data were created in geodatabase format and output for public distribution in shapefile format. These data comprise the permafrost polygon features of Alberta Geological Survey Map 566, Surficial Geology of the Grand Rapids Area (NTS 84A/SE). Purpose: For query and analysis of the surficial geology of the Grand Rapids area (NTS 84A/SE) in GIS format. Credit: K. Mckay Status: Progress code: completed Point of contact: Responsible party: Organisation name: Alberta Geological Survey Position name: AGS Information Manager Contact info: Contact: Phone: Telephone: Voice: (780) 638-4491 Facsimile: (780) 422-1918 Address: Address: Delivery point: Alberta Energy Regulator Delivery point: 4th Floor, Twin Atria Building Delivery point: 4999-98 Avenue NW City: Edmonton Administrative area: Alberta Postal code: T6B 2X3 Country: Canada Electronic mail address: AGS-Info@aer.ca Hours of service: 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. and 1:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. Role: Role code: pointOfContact Resource maintenance: Maintenance information: Maintenance and update frequency: Maintenance frequency code: notPlanned Descriptive keywords: Keywords: Keyword: geology Keyword: gis data Keyword: glacial sedimentology Keyword: permafrost Keyword: quaternary Keyword: surficial geology Keyword: surficial mapping Keyword: till Type: Keyword type code: theme Thesaurus name: Citation: Title: None Date: unknown Descriptive keywords: Keywords: Keyword: 84a Keyword: alberta Keyword: algar lake Keyword: algar river Keyword: athabasca river Keyword: canada Keyword: horse river Keyword: house river Keyword: muskeg river Type: Keyword type code: place Thesaurus name: Citation: Title: None Date: unknown Resource constraints: Legal constraints: Access constraints: Restriction code: otherRestrictions Use constraints: Restriction code: otherRestrictions Other constraints: Access Constraints: Public Use Constraints: Acknowledgement of the Alberta Energy Regulator/Alberta Geological Survey as the originator/source of this information is required as described in the Open Government License - Alberta. Distribution Liability: The Alberta Energy Regulator/Alberta Geological Survey (AER/AGS) licenses this information under the Open Government License - Alberta. Any references to proprietary software in our documentation, and/or any use of proprietary data formats in our releases, do not constitute endorsement by the AER/AGS of any manufacturer's product. Aggregation Info: AggregateInformation: Aggregate Data Set Name: Citation: Title: Surficial Geology of the Grand Rapids Area (NTS 84A/SE) Date: Date: Date: 2013-12-19 Date type: Date type code: publication Cited responsible party: Responsible party: Organisation name: Alberta Energy Regulator Role: Role code: originator Cited responsible party: Responsible party: Organisation name: Alberta Geological Survey Role: Role code: originator Cited responsible party: Responsible party: Organisation name: Pawley, S.M. Role: Role code: originator Cited responsible party: Responsible party: Organisation name: Alberta Geological Survey Contact info: Contact: Address: Address: City: Edmonton Administrative area: Alberta, Canada Online Resource: Online Resource: Linkage: URL: http://ags.aer.ca/ Role: Role code: publisher Presentation form: Presentation form code: mapDigital Series: Series: Name: Map Issue identification: MAP 566 Other citation details: Scale 1:100000, ISBN 978-1-4601-0113-1 Association Type: Association type code: crossReference Aggregation Info: AggregateInformation: Aggregate Data Set Name: Citation: Title: Surficial Geology of the Grand Rapids Area (NTS 84A/SE) (GIS data, polygon features) Date: Date: Date: 2013-12-19 Date type: Date type code: publication Cited responsible party: Responsible party: Organisation name: Alberta Energy Regulator Role: Role code: originator Cited responsible party: Responsible party: Organisation name: Alberta Geological Survey Role: Role code: originator Cited responsible party: Responsible party: Organisation name: Pawley, S.M. Role: Role code: originator Cited responsible party: Responsible party: Organisation name: Alberta Geological Survey, Alberta Energy Regulator Contact info: Contact: Address: Address: City: Edmonton Administrative area: Alberta, Canada Online Resource: Online Resource: Linkage: URL: http://ags.aer.ca/ Role: Role code: publisher Presentation form: Presentation form code: mapDigital Series: Series: Name: Digital Data Issue identification: DIG 2013-0032 Other citation details: Association Type: Association type code: crossReference Aggregation Info: AggregateInformation: Aggregate Data Set Name: Citation: Title: Surficial Geology of the Grand Rapids Area (NTS 84A/SE) (GIS data, line features) Date: Date: Date: 2013-12-19 Date type: Date type code: publication Cited responsible party: Responsible party: Organisation name: Alberta Energy Regulator Role: Role code: originator Cited responsible party: Responsible party: Organisation name: Alberta Geological Survey Role: Role code: originator Cited responsible party: Responsible party: Organisation name: Pawley, S.M. Role: Role code: originator Cited responsible party: Responsible party: Organisation name: Alberta Geological Survey, Alberta Energy Regulator Contact info: Contact: Address: Address: City: Edmonton Administrative area: Alberta, Canada Online Resource: Online Resource: Linkage: URL: http://ags.aer.ca/ Role: Role code: publisher Presentation form: Presentation form code: mapDigital Series: Series: Name: Digital Data Issue identification: DIG 2013-0033 Other citation details: Association Type: Association type code: crossReference Spatial representation type: Spatial representation type code: vector Language: eng; CAN Topic category: Topic category code: geoscientificInformation Extent: Extent: Geographic element: Geographic bounding box: West bound longitude: -113 East bound longitude: -112 South bound latitude: 56 North bound latitude: 56.5 Temporal element: Temporal extent: Extent: Time period: Description: ground condition Begin date: 2012-01-01 End date: 2013-01-01 Supplemental Information: In English.
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Content info:

Feature catalogue description: Included with dataset: false Feature catalogue citation: Citation: Title: Entity and Attribute Information Date: Other citation details: Detailed Entity and Attribute information is provided with the dataset, formatted as Federal Geographic Data Committee (FGDC) Content Standard for Digital Geospatial Metadata.
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Distribution: Distributor: Distributor: Distributor contact: Responsible party: Organisation name: Alberta Geological Survey Position name: AGS Information Manager Contact info: Contact: Phone: Telephone: Voice: (780) 638-4491 Facsimile: (780) 422-1918 Address: Address: Delivery point: Alberta Energy Regulator Delivery point: 4th Floor, Twin Atria Building Delivery point: 4999-98 Avenue NW City: Edmonton Administrative area: Alberta Postal code: T6B 2X3 Country: Canada Electronic mail address: AGS-Info@aer.ca Hours of service: 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. and 1:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. Role: Role code: distributor Transfer options: Digital transfer options: Online: Online Resource: Linkage: URL: https://static.ags.aer.ca/files/document/DIG/DIG_2013_0034.zip Name: SHP
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Data quality info:

Data quality: Scope: Scope: Hierarchy level: Scope code: dataset Report: Absolute external positional accuracy: Name of measure: Horizontal Positional Accuracy Measure description: Evaluation method description: We estimate the accuracy of the surface-feature interpretations to be better than +/- 100 m on the ground, based on informed judgement of the effects of all combined map-production errors. No formal accuracy check verified the interpretation. Result: Quantitative result: Value unit: Base unit: Identifier: Units system: xlink: http://www.bipm.org/en/si/ Value: Report: Completeness commission: Result: unknown Report: Completeness omission: Evaluation method description: The data represent surficial geology interpretations based on LiDAR bare-earth data, orthorectified aerial photographs, and previously published mapping in the area. Result: unknown Report: Conceptual consistency: Measure description: The digital vector data are contiguous, topologically correct polygons as built and enforced using ArcGIS software. Due to the availability of high-quality, Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) bare-earth digital elevation model data (unpublished) for NTS 84A/SE, it was possible to delineate polygons and lines that would otherwise be unobservable. Adjacent map areas have not been mapped using LiDAR; therefore, new feature boundaries have been identified in NTS 84A/SE that do not have a corresponding boundary in the adjacent study areas. Consequently, NTS 84A/SE is not fully edge-matched with adjacent areas. Result: unknown Lineage: Lineage: Statement: The data represent surficial geology interpretations based on LiDAR bare-earth data, orthorectified aerial photographs, and previously published mapping in the area. Process step: Process step: Description: Our processes included 1. making a LiDAR imagery mosaic for complete coverage of NTS 84A/SE and relief shading the LiDAR bare-earth digital elevation model (DEM); 2. making a mosaic of Landsat ETM+ scenes L7104302002019990817 and LE70430211999229EDC00 (see map 566 for full reference) and clipping it to the map area boundary; 3. performing image classification on the Landsat data using the maximum likelihood classifier, collecting training objects, and classifying peatlands using Landsat spectral properties and LiDAR topographic indices; 4. delineating non-peatland polygons from object-based analysis of a slope image derived from the LiDAR imagery 5. augmenting the classified landforms with digitization of polygons and line features across the LiDAR image of NTS 84A/SE using ArcGIS; 6. labelling spatial features; 7. checking the quality of the digital file; and 8. proofreading the text. Date and time: 2013-01-01T00:00:00
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Metadata constraints:

Legal constraints: Access constraints: Restriction code: otherRestrictions Use constraints: Restriction code: otherRestrictions Other constraints: Metadata Access Constraints: none Metadata Use Constraints: none
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Metadata maintenance:

Maintenance information: Maintenance and update frequency: unknown Maintenance note: This metadata was automatically generated from the FGDC Content Standard for Digital Geospatial Metadatastandard version FGDC-STD-001-1998 using the January 2013 version of the FGDC CSDGM to ISO 19115-2 transform. Metadata author: Responsible party: Organisation name: Alberta Geological Survey Position name: AGS Information Manager Contact info: Contact: Phone: Telephone: Voice: (780) 638-4491 Facsimile: (780) 422-1918 Address: Address: Delivery point: Alberta Energy Regulator Delivery point: 4th Floor, Twin Atria Building Delivery point: 4999-98 Avenue NW City: Edmonton Administrative area: Alberta Postal code: T6B 2X3 Country: Canada Electronic mail address: AGS-Info@aer.ca Hours of service: 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. and 1:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. Role: Role code: custodian
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