Abstract: The Registered Fur Management Area dataset is comprised of all the polygons that represent the Registered Fur Management Areas in Alberta. A Registered Fur Management Area (RFMA) is a parcel of public land, the boundary of which is described on the Registered Fur Management Licence. A Registered Fur Management Licence permits the licence holder to hunt and trap fur-bearing animals on the lands described on the licence.
  File identifier: 
    Language Code: 
  Character set: 
    Character set code: 
  Hierarchy level: 
    Scope code: 
  Metadata author: 
    Responsible party: 
      Organisation name: 
          Alberta Environment and Protected Areas, Government of Alberta
      Position name: 
          Provincial Geospatial Centre
      Contact info: 
              Delivery point: 
                  14th Floor, Oxbridge Place
              Delivery point: 
                  9820 - 106 Street NW
              Administrative area: 
              Postal code: 
                  T5K 2J6
              Electronic mail address: 
        Role code: 
  Date stamp: 

  Metadata standard name: 
      NAP - Metadata
  Metadata standard version: 
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Spatial representation info:

Vector spatial representation: Topology level: Topology level code: geometryOnly Geometric objects: Geometric objects: Geometric object type: Geometric object type code: composite Geometric object count: 1848
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Reference system info:

Reference system: Reference system identifier: RS Identifier: Code: 3400 Code Space: EPSG Version: 6.11(
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Identification info:

Data identification: Citation: Citation: Title: Registered Fur Management Area Alternate title: RFMA Date: Date: Date: 2001-12-01 Date type: Date type code: creation Date: Date: Date: 2023-12-04 Date type: Date type code: publication Date: Date: Date: 2023-11-30 Date type: Date type code: revision Cited responsible party: Responsible party: Organisation name: Alberta Forestry and Parks, Government of Alberta Position name: Fish and Wildlife Licensing Manager Contact info: Contact: Address: Address: Electronic mail address: AEP.FWDLicensing@gov.ab.ca Role: Role code: owner Cited responsible party: Responsible party: Organisation name: Alberta Environment and Protected Areas, Government of Alberta Position name: Provincial Geospatial Centre Contact info: Contact: Phone: Telephone: Voice: 7804277374 Facsimile: 7804220712 Address: Address: Delivery point: 14th Floor, Oxbridge Place Delivery point: 9820 - 106 Street NW City: Edmonton Administrative area: Alberta Postal code: T5K 2J6 Country: Country: CA Electronic mail address: AEP.GDAMetadata@gov.ab.ca Role: Role code: custodian Presentation form: Presentation form code: mapDigital Abstract: The Registered Fur Management Area dataset is comprised of all the polygons that represent the Registered Fur Management Areas in Alberta. A Registered Fur Management Area (RFMA) is a parcel of public land, the boundary of which is described on the Registered Fur Management Licence. A Registered Fur Management Licence permits the licence holder to hunt and trap fur-bearing animals on the lands described on the licence. Purpose: The Registered Fur Management Area dataset provides users with GIS ready polygonal representation of all the Registered Fur Management Areas in the province of Alberta., and is suitable for indexing. Status: Progress code: completed Point of contact: Responsible party: Organisation name: Alberta Environment and Protected Areas, Government of Alberta Position name: Provincial Geospatial Centre Contact info: Contact: Phone: Telephone: Voice: 7804277374 Facsimile: 7804220712 Address: Address: Delivery point: 14th Floor, Oxbridge Place Delivery point: 9820 - 106 Street NW City: Edmonton Administrative area: Alberta Postal code: T5K 2J6 Country: Country: CA Electronic mail address: AEP.GDAMetadata@gov.ab.ca Role: Role code: pointOfContact Resource maintenance: Maintenance information: Maintenance and update frequency: Maintenance frequency code: asNeeded Descriptive keywords: Keywords: Keyword: Alberta, Canada Type: Keyword type code: place Descriptive keywords: Keywords: Keyword: Registered Fur Management Area Keyword: Fur trapping area Keyword: Trapper area Type: Keyword type code: theme Resource constraints: Legal constraints: Access constraints: Restriction code: otherRestrictions Other constraints: To access the data you must agree to the terms of the Open Government Licence - Alberta. Resource constraints: Legal constraints: Use limitation: Distribution Liability: Under the terms of the Open Government Licence - Alberta, the Information is licensed as is, and the Information Provider excludes all representations, warranties, obligations, and liabilities, whether express or implied, to the maximum extent permitted by law. The Information Provider is not liable for any errors or omissions in the Information and will not under any circumstances be liable for any direct, indirect, special, incidental, consequential, or other loss, injury or damage caused by its use or otherwise arising in connection with this licence or the Information, even if specifically advised of the possibility of such loss, injury or damage. Resource constraints: Legal constraints: Use constraints: Restriction code: license Other constraints: Your use of this information will be governed by the terms of the Open Government Licence - Alberta, in force as of the date you accessed the information, found at https://open.alberta.ca/licence Resource constraints: Security constraints: Classification: Classification code: unclassified User note: Public/Unrestricted Classification system: Government of Alberta Data and Information Security Classification Handling description: https://imtpolicy.sp.alberta.ca/standards/Pages/Data-and-Information-Security-Classification.aspx Spatial representation type: Spatial representation type code: vector Language: Language Code: eng Character set: Character set code: utf8 Topic category: Topic category code: boundaries Environment description: Esri ArcGIS Extent: Extent: Geographic element: Geographic bounding box: Extent type code: true West bound longitude: -121 East bound longitude: -109 South bound latitude: 48 North bound latitude: 61 Extent: Extent: Geographic element: Geographic bounding box: Extent type code: true West bound longitude: -120.902231 East bound longitude: -108.768171 South bound latitude: 49.017403 North bound latitude: 60.095171 Supplemental Information: The boundary was determined by Provincial Programs Branch, Operations Division, Alberta Environment and Parks. The boundary was converted from the 1:1 000 000 MicroStation digital file.
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Distribution: Distribution format: Format: Name: Shapefile Version: 3.0 Specification: SHP File decompression technique: ZIP Distributor: Distributor: Distributor contact: Responsible party: Organisation name: Altalis Ltd. Contact info: Contact: Phone: Telephone: Voice: 4037163490 Facsimile: 4037163494 Address: Address: Delivery point: Suite 1550, 635 - 8 Avenue SW City: Calgary Administrative area: Alberta Postal code: T2P 3M3 Country: Country: CA Electronic mail address: support@altalis.com Hours of service: 08:00 to 16:30 Monday to Friday Contact instructions: This layer is a part of the Base Features product which can be accessed and downloaded via the Open Data option from Altalis Ltd.: https://www.altalis.com Role: Role code: distributor Distribution Order Process: Standard order process: Fees: This layer is included in the Base Features product for free under the Open Government Licence - Alberta. Ordering instructions: This layer is a part of the Base Features product which can be accessed and downloaded via the Open Data option from Altalis: https://www.altalis.com Turnaround: Direct download Distributor: Distributor: Distributor contact: Responsible party: Organisation name: Alberta Environment and Protected Areas, Government of Alberta Position name: Provincial Geospatial Centre Contact info: Contact: Phone: Telephone: Voice: 7804277374 Facsimile: 7804220712 Address: Address: Delivery point: 14th Floor, Oxbridge Place Delivery point: 9820 - 106 Street NW City: Edmonton Administrative area: Alberta Postal code: T5K 2J6 Country: Country: CA Electronic mail address: AEP.Data@gov.ab.ca Role: Role code: distributor Transfer options: Digital transfer options: Online: Online Resource: Linkage: URL: https://geospatial.alberta.ca/titan/rest/services/boundaries/registered_fur_managment/FeatureServer Protocol: REST Name: boundaries/registered_fur_managment (FeatureServer) Description: Feature web service for Registered Fur Management Area dataset Function: Online function code: webService Transfer options: Digital transfer options: Online: Online Resource: Linkage: URL: https://geospatial.alberta.ca/portal/home/item.html?id=0a73dfd5e8254c4cb4ff4910a1652073 Protocol: HTTPS Name: Registered Fur Management Area Description: Map Image Layer Geospatial portal webpage for Registered Fur Management Area Function: Online function code: webService Transfer options: Digital transfer options: Units of distribution: MB Transfer size: 2 Online: Online Resource: Linkage: URL: https://extranet.gov.ab.ca/srd/geodiscover/srd_pub/boundaries/RFMA.zip Protocol: FTP Name: Registered Fur Management Area (SHP) Description: Shapefile containing Registered Fur Management Area dataset (ZIP) Function: Online function code: download
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Data quality info:

Data quality: Scope: Scope: Hierarchy level: Scope code: dataset Lineage: Lineage: Statement: This feature class was initially converted from the NAD83 1:1 000 000 RFMU MicroStation file to an ESRI layer. The layer was cleaned with all polygons closed and built without gaps or slivers. Polygonal attributes were populated according to the GA Specification table structure with NAME and CODE applied and validated according to the 1:1 mill MicroStation digital file. Commenced in 2007, boundary updates were compiled according to the Base Features requirements. The GA boundary built uses Base Features (BF) Source Data which includes arc layers of Alberta Township System (ATS), Hydrography, Hypsography and Access. In cases where BF Source Data does not exist, Alberta Data Partnerships (ADP) Cadastral Source Data including block, lot, plan, ownership and right-of-way are used. Legal Subdivision (LSD) arcs supplied by ADP are also used.
ATS data layers were considered to be the foundation by which all other Source Data should be registered with when the GA boundary layer was compiled. The Cadastral Source Data maintained by ADP is used in the hierarchy order of block, lot, plan and right-of-way; regardless which version it is. The ADP cadastral representation of ATS and Hydrography is not used. The ADP LSD arcs are used for boundary segments that are interpreted as aligning with legal subdivision lines according to the defining document; but the representation of Section, Quarter Section and Road Allowance are not allowed to be used as these lines should be derived from the BF ATS Source Data.
If none of the above Source Data is available and the defining document refers a specific elevation or contour, Hypsography contour data is used. If no source arc for the particular contour or elevation exists, interpolation of the contours or elevation graphically is obtained by averaging between successive contours on either side of the range of elevation values. If the defining document describes a mountain peak, interpretation of the contours to determine the highest point of the peak is determined or in certain cases a spot height point in the Hypsography cartographic layer is used to identify the peak. If the defining document describes a boundary segment as Height-of-Land (HOL), HOL data is captured by digitization or graphical construction. In cases if the GA boundary is described, but no Source Data is available except from a digital reference file provided by data authority, with data authority's expressed permission, arcs are copied from the digital reference file. Segments of the boundary which adjoin to Provincial Boundary or National Park, arcs are copied from these 2 layers to define the GA boundary so that the layer does conform to these 2 key layers. Once all the Source Data has been copied and put into the edit environment, Constructed arcs are used to close polygon in cases where a gap between 2 Source Data arcs exceeds 0.001 meters. If a gap is less than 0.001 meters, one of the Source Data is extended to close the polygon, in accordance with the Source Data edit hierarchy i.e. with the highest order of importance to the least importance which is in the order of ATS, Hydrography, Hypsography, ADP data, Access, Height-of-Land or digitized arcs and digital reference file.
Spatial relationship of the boundary layer compiled is maintained with the Base Features (BF) Source data and other Source Data with the geometry of all the Source Data remains unaltered throughout the editing process. Edit tolerance is set to zero for node snap and arc snap. The GA polygons compiled have all the linework precisely closed. Attribute tables are created according to item definition, with only one label point exists per GA polygon. Clean processes on the Source Data beyond the tolerances specified above is prohibited. Source Data is edited manually in order to maintain polygon topology using BUILD processes. After polygons are built, they are attributed according to the Base Features GA Specification table standard i.e. CODE and NAME. The formatted polygon attribute values are validated with RFMA codes and legal names obtained from the Department. Process step: Process step: Description: Initial conversion. Date and time: 2001-12-01T00:00:00 Process step: Process step: Description: 2nd edition conversion. Conformed to Provincial Boundary and National Park. There are outstanding issues which require the Data Authority to provide directions or clarifications. (a) Missing areas 164, 255, 339, 383, 540, 1490, 1751, 2024, 2190, 2230, 2399, 2421, 2624, 2743 and 2944 (b) Non-attributed polygons exist in cases, a few areas have arcs which split a RFMA area into two (2) separate polygons. Date and time: 2004-09-01T00:00:00 Processor: Responsible party: Organisation name: Alberta Environment and Parks, Government of Alberta Position name: Information and Data Provisioning Services, Informatics Branch, Corporate Services Division Contact info: Contact: Address: Address: Electronic mail address: AEP.GDAMetadata@gov.ab.ca Role: Role code: processor Process step: Process step: Description: 3rd edition conversion. Conformed to Provincial Boundary and National Park except along the east boundary of Wood Buffalo. Amalgamation areas included 354 with 363, 2042 with 1465, 1531 with 1605 & 2401, 1488 with 1754, 1437 with 2260 Amended areas included 465, 884, 1680, 2278, 2495 Deletion area included 2866. Fish & Wildlife intends to validate the fur trapping database in near future. Discrepancies, therefore, might exist between the fur trapping database and the coverage converted from the 1:1 million MicroStation digital file. Date and time: 2006-01-01T00:00:00 Process step: Process step: Description: Boundary change for Area 990, 1519, 1680 & 1703. The revised portions of boundary were compiled according to the Base Features requirements. The legal descriptions exclude any privately owned land situated within the boundaries of a RFMA but the compiled area does include the privately owned land. Users should perform title or/and ownership search of LSAS for the privately owned areas within a RFMA for their use. Date and time: 2006-10-01T00:00:00 Process step: Process step: Description: Boundary change for Area 1519 & 2333. The revised portions of boundary for Area 1519 pertain to 1:1 million configuration, as the features described by the legal do not exist anymore. The revised portions of Area 2333 were compiled according to the Base Features requirements. Date and time: 2007-07-01T00:00:00 Process step: Process step: Description: Conformed to 2007 Provincial Boundary and National Park. Update - #713: Added back. #1361: Boundary change. Amalgamation with #2578. #2578: Dissolve. Amalgamate with #136. #1733: boundary change. Date and time: 2008-05-01T00:00:00 Process step: Process step: Description: Update #1380: Amalgamated with #1481 and renamed to #1380. Neighboring areas #2576, #1442, #1913, #1424, #1355, #2174, #2839, FID #1054, #1400, #1468, #2401 & #2642 hydro boundaries were reconciled with BF Hydro. #1481: Dissolved. Amalgamated with #1380. #1419: Boundary correction. Neighboring areas #2209 & #2508 hydro boundaries were reconciled with BF Hydro. #2508: Boundary correction. #1497: Amalgamated with #2972 and renamed to #1497. Neighboring areas #1597, #1758, #1475, #183 & FID #1042 hydro boundaries were reconciled with BF Hydro. #2672: dissolved. Amalgamated with #1497. #2531: Boundary change. Date and time: 2009-05-01T00:00:00 Process step: Process step: Description: Update: #57: Boundary change. #59 & #1702: Boundary change. #82: Boundary change - Portion of land amalgamate with #2805. #2805: Amalgamate portion of land from #82. #538 & #539: Boundary change. #788: Dissolved. Amalgamate with #793. #793: Amalgamate with #788 and numbered #793. #1355: Boundary change - Amalgamate with #2174 and numbered #1355. #2174: Dissolved. Amalgamate with #1355. #1400: Boundary change - Amalgamate with #2746 and numbered #1400. #2746: Dissolved. Amalgamate with #1400. #1711 & #2360: Boundary change. #2032: Boundary change - Amalgamate with #2369 and numbered #2032. #2369: Dissolved. Amalgamate with #2032. #2453: Boundary change - land removed. #2591: Boundary change. Date and time: 2010-07-01T00:00:00 Process step: Process step: Description: Reconciled and conformed to ATS V4.1 Alberta Provincial Boundary which was compiled by Alberta Data Partnerships Ltd. (ADP) on behalf of the Government of Alberta (GOA). The ATS V4.1 Alberta Provincial Boundary is considered definitive for GOA use which supersedes all previous versions. The ATS V4.1 Alberta Provincial Boundary was compiled in 8th decimal place geographic coordinates (GCS_North_American_1983) and which was geoprocessed to NAD 1983 10 TM AEP Forest coordinate system, using ESRI ArcGIS application. #1981: Amalgamate #2194 into #1981 & #2194: Dissolved, amalgamate to #1981 (2010.08.13); #1211: Boundary change (2010.12.08); #2260: Boundary change (2010.12.08); #1400: Amalgamate #2225 into #1400 & #2225: Dissolved, amalgamate to #1400 (2011.02.23). Date and time: 2011-07-01T00:00:00 Process step: Process step: Description: Update: #125: Boundary change - Land claim settlement (2012.04.20). Descriptions seemed to be difficult to follow, in cases. Informatics Branch forwarded comments to Fish and Wildlife; #128: Boundary change - Land claim settlement (2012.04.20); #759: Boundary change (2011.07.25); #1291: Boundary change - exclude Lakeland Provincial Recreation Area (2011.12.15); #1600: Boundary change [2011.07.25); #1650: Boundary change - Land claim settlement (2011.07.08); #1688: Boundary change (2012.04.30). Discrepancy found in the descriptions. Informatics Branch forwarded comments to Fish and Wildlife; #1757: Boundary change - Additional land (2012.06.05); #2006: Boundary change - Land claim settlement (2012.04.20); #2195: Boundary change - Land claim settlement (2012.04.20); #2379: Dissolved (2011.10.24). Date and time: 2012-06-01T00:00:00 Process step: Process step: Description: #275: Amalgamate with #716 and it's under #275 (2012.02.08). #716: Dissolve (2012.02.08). #1299: Amalgamate with #1669 and it's under #1299 (2012.08.21). #1669: Dissolve (2012.08.21). #1015: Boundary change with land removed (2012.09.12). #2064 and #2412: Boundary adjust (2012.11.01). Also impact #1735. #1945: Split into 2 traplines #1945 & #12001 (2012.11.14). #12001: New (2012.11.14). #692: Amalgamate with #755 and it's under #692. Boundary adjust. #755: Dissolve (2013.02.04). #1877 and #2895: Boundary adjust (2013.04.17). #1794: Boundary change (2013.04.18). Also impact #1302 & #1981.
Migrate to Feature Class format. Date and time: 2013-07-01T00:00:00 Process step: Process step: Description: Name correction. There are two areas of #2611. #1703 is below #2611. Date and time: 2013-12-01T00:00:00 Process step: Process step: Description: Correction of sliver polygon which is removed within RFMA 2583. Date and time: 2014-01-01T00:00:00 Process step: Process step: Description: Correction: RFMA_NAME = 1703 and RFMA_CODE should be 00834 instead of 01464 Date and time: 2014-07-01T00:00:00 Process step: Process step: Description: RFMA_NAME = 1703 and RFMA_CODE should be 00834 instead of 01464. Date and time: 2014-08-01T00:00:00 Process step: Process step: Description: RFMA #1533 - Amalgamation of #2288 and to be under #1533 (February 21, 2014). RFMA #1679 - Boundary expansion (January 28, 2014). RFMA #1829 - Boundary expansion (January 13, 2014). RFMA #2138 - Boundary correction (May 5, 2014). RFMA #2229 - Boundary expansion (November 28, 2013). RFMA #2545 - Boundary reduction (November 28, 2013) Date and time: 2014-10-01T00:00:00 Process step: Process step: Description: RFMA #2627 Boundary change. Date and time: 2015-07-01T00:00:00 Process step: Process step: Description: Update: Update western boundary of 'RFMA #2320', initiated by the National Park boundary adjustment in vicinity from Ogre Canyon to Boule Roche i.e. in the area of Sec 7-50-27-w5 to Sec 13-50-28-w5 #3 (2015.11.10), #6 (2015.11.10), #20 (2015.11.10), #27, #49, #50 (2015.11.21), #55 (2015.11.21), #56 (2015.11.10), #60 (2015.11.10), #109, #160 (2015.11.21), #161 (2016.07.07), #183, #319 (2015.11.21), #362 (2015.11.10), #462 (2015.11.10), #476 (2015.11.21), #687, #926, #952, #953 (2016.07.13), #1037, #1221(2016.07.07), #1290 (2015.11.10), #1302 (2016.07.07), #1359, #1459 (This impacts #927. A hole of land created in Sec 1, 2, 3-91-4-5), #1475 (2015.11.10), #1497 (2015.11.10), #1597 (2015.11.10), #1634 (2015.11.10), #1679, #1741, #1776, #1791 (2016.06.28), #1794, #2093 (2016.07.07), #2128, #2146, #2266 (2015.11.10), #2344, #2441 (2015.11.21), #2484 (2016.01.13), #2533, #2568 (2016.06.28), #2586 (2015.11.10), #2627, #2681 and in Sec 2-87-10-w5, a constructed line that follows Loon Lake water line from Spot6 2015 imagery was made to make the trapping land as one parcel, #2754 (2015.11.21), #2799 (2016.07.07) , #2852 Abolish: #2339 (2016.03.22), #2919 (2015.10.23) Date and time: 2016-08-01T00:00:00 Process step: Process step: Description: 2018.02 Amalgamation of RFMA #759 to #1600 (Abolish #759) Date and time: 2018-02-01T00:00:00 Process step: Process step: Description: Update 1. #1459 - Remove Sec 1-3 in 91-4-w5 2. #1776 - Add Unnamed lake in Sec 3 and tributary in 26/23 in 88-3-w5 3. #1741 - Add (a.) S ½ of Sec 5 & 6 in 87-4-w5 (b.) Portion of SE corner of 31-86-2-w5. Remove portions south of the lake in SE corner of 32 and SW corner of 33 in 86-2-w5 (to be RFMA #2093) 4. #2852 - Remove Sec 2,3,10,11 in 98-2-w5 (Already done in 2016) 5. #3 - Remove Sec 34-36 of 90-4-w5 6. #20 - Add Sec 36 in 92-22-w4. Remove (a.) Sec 35 in 92-22-w4 (b.) LSD 1 of Sec 13-92-22 7. #1634 - Add Sec 27 & 28 in 89-23-w4 8. #2799 - Adjust West boundary is along the center boundaries of Sec 24 & 25 of 91-22 9. #2441 - Edit overlaps a sliver of Bigstone Lands in SW 28-79-26 10. #2093 - Add south of the lake in SE 32 & SW 33 of 86-2-w5 Date and time: 2018-08-01T00:00:00 Process step: Process step: Description: Updated polygon boundaries to remove the Lubicon land claims areas and Woodland Cree No.228 reserve. The following are the RFMAs that were affected by each land claim: - Bison Lake settlement area affects RFMAs 198, 511, 1520, and a sliver of 1297. - Haig Lake settlement area affects RMFA 66. - Weasel Lake settlement area affects RMFAs 935, 1359. - Marten River settlement area affects RMFA 1336. - Lubicon Lake settlement area affects RMFAs 176, 1349, 1356, 1626, 2088, 2737. 1663 was removed. - Woodland Cree No.228 affects RMFAs 1336, 2425, 2088. - RFMA 1356 was dissolved into RFMA 176 and 2737 with the portion in township 84 -13-W5 going to RFMA 176 and the portion in township 83-13-W% going to RFMA 2737. Date and time: 2023-08-09T00:00:00 Process step: Process step: Description: Updated RFMA 2601 to exclude Lakeland Provincial Park Date and time: 2023-11-30T00:00:00
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Metadata maintenance:

Maintenance information: Maintenance and update frequency: Maintenance frequency code: asNeeded
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